8 - Missing Dead Person

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Kotone awoke from her bed with her start. Wait, no her bed. Why was she in Shinso's room?

The events of last night came flooding back to her. She remembered now. How scared she was, how listless her dad was. Hitoshi was gracious enough to let her crash in his room for the night. One glance at the beanbag confirms that her brother was still snoring away. Kotone has to stifle a chuckle. Even if she wasn't here, Shinso would still be on the beanbag, curled up like a cat. Silently, she slips out of the brand new bed, softly padding her way back to her own room.

The hallway was oddly silent. In the 1A dorms, people screamed and ran around (normally Bakugo and Midoriya). Girls chatted, boys made noises. In 1B, everyone was quiet and considerate. It was peaceful, but off-putting.

Kotone leaves the 1B dorm, about to turn into the beginning of the 1A dorms, when she hears voice coming from the teacher's lounge. One of them is Aizawa, the other being Hizashi. Kotone, concerned, leans into the door to listen.

"It's fine Shota. Toshi and Koko can take care of themselves."

"I know Kotone can. She's got a battle AND psychological quirk. Our girl is incredibly powerful. It's Toshi I was worried about."

"He handled himself well."

Aizawa sighs. "He'll need more than a baby's binding cloth."

There's a quiet pause. Kotone holds her breath, barely able to hear the next words.

"I'm worried about Kotone's sanity though. I mean...the dots didn't connect until now. She could be in danger."

"Please Shota. We have to tell her. It's better than her finding out from them."

Aizawa's voice is stern when he speaks. "Absolutely not. Than information could destroy her. More than how we were when we learned about Kurogiri."

Kotone could picture Hizashi's furrowed face with his next words.

"We can confirm if it's possible to save him, you know. With Koko's quirk?"

"It's too dangerous. Something could go wrong, or he could let something slip."

"Shota, we could see Oboro again! He's stuck in Kurogiri, yes, but if he can be saved, the wisps of his soul stuck in the Underworld could help us. And if he's beyond saving, at least we can see him."

The two men seem to have a silent conversation. Kotone can't take the suspense and barges in.

"What are you guys arguing about?" she demands. "I thought Oboro died when you were teens. What's he got to do with Kurogiri?"

Aizawa and Yamada sigh. They glance at each other and look to their daughter, before explaining everything.

Kotone leans back, a little overwhelmed. "So your friend died and was brought back to life by AFO to be the babysitter to Shigaraki? And Hizashi wants me to try and summon Shirakumo's vestige from death?"

Aizawa nods gravely. "Don't. You told us once before it felt wrong. We don't want you to- I mean, if it doesn't feel right, you shouldn't."

Kotone shrugs. "I'll be fine. It's easier now anyways." She didn't understand the look of alarm on her dad's face but didn't think much of it, slowly circling her hand to create a vague outline of a boy.

"I can't get it any clearer," Kotone announces, gut twisted into knots. The shadowy smoke leans towards Hizashi and Shots, attempting to embrace them in a hug.

Kotone smiles sadly and retreats from the room, letting them have a moment of privacy.


In the LOV lair, Shigaraki paces furiously in front of the bar.

The Ghosts of Childhood - Fem!OC MHA InsertWhere stories live. Discover now