11 - Realization

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"Oh look. The princess awakes," Shigaraki says lazily, one draped over the other. "Remember me now?"

"Tenko...I...I thought..."

Shigaraki grins. "Sister, it'll take a while if you want to finish one sentence. You thought I was dead? You didn't even think Tenko existed."

Kotone gapes like a fish out of water. With her memories back, came feelings. Feelings of agony and loneliness that were suppressed by her amnesia. Unsure of how to respond, Kotone simply crashes into Shigaraki in a hug, avoiding his hands.

"I missed you..." She murmurs. A loud clap startles the two Shimuras.

"As touching as this reunion is, is Kotone actually going to join us or should we kill her?" Dabi says firmly. Kotone raises an eyebrow, a glint in her eye.

"I'm staying with my real brother. We'll topple the heroes," she says coldly. Toga shivers at the categorical. Kotone's eyes were getting darker, and it doesn't seem natural, or even humane.

"And I'll need a villain look. This hero garb isn't gonna work."


"Presenting the new villainess, Kotone!" Toga says jokingly. Kotone's eyes glitter with malice.

"Villainess of Song?" Dabi grouses. "That sounds stupid. What was your Shimura name?"

"Shimura Shiyu," Kotone answers apprehensively.

"Shiyu mean white...what about Shirori?" Mr. Compress suggests.

"To make blank? I like it," Kotone smirks. "I'm wiping myself clean after all."

"Shirori, sister of Shigaraki. It has a nice ring to it," Toga muses. "Nugget, you have an alias buddy!"

"Sure," the two chorus, eyes meeting. They weren't intending to be friends.

"Oh Yumi-kun!" Toga squeals and runs over. "Please let me drink some of your blood!" Kotone recoils and pushes the teen away.

"Absolutely not," she says flatly. "And it's Shirori. I'm gonna go train." With that, she exits and finds a particularly empty room in the warehouse, placing her palms on the ground and summoning an army of ghosts. Kotone grins.

"Alright folks, here's what we're going to do."


Bakugo swears and paces around in his room.

"You're telling me our Kotone is related to the Shigaraki? And you never told us? Or even her for that matter?"

Shinso puts his hands up in defense. "I didn't know either, gosh! I just learned it, same as you!"

"GET OUT!" Bakugo screams. "GET OUT!"

Hitoshi rolls his eyes. "M'kay, sure, bye, Blasty."

Bakugo grumbles again as Echo leaves and flops onto his bed.

"C'mon Hades. You can fight them. Beat their behinds and get back to us," he mutters. With a groan, he closes his eyes and tries to sleep.

Bad idea.

Nightmares plague his dreams. Visions of Kotone trapped in a tube and whimpering, visions of Toga draining her of blood as the Doc turns her into a nomu, visions of Shigaraki turning his sister to dust like the rest of his family. He tossed and turns and although he sleeps for hours, he doesn't rest.

Sunlight streams through the windows as dawn comes. Bakugo groans and sits up. He then falls back down, unwilling to move. What was even the point?

Half an hour passes as someone knocks on his door.

The Ghosts of Childhood - Fem!OC MHA InsertWhere stories live. Discover now