10 - Discovery

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The arena stares at the rubble in shock, afraid of what might happen next. The villains were gone, but the heartbroken Bakugo standing in the center of the arena might start crying murder if someone didn't comfort him. Eraserhead up in the announcement booth looked ready to explode.

Thirteen and Ectoplasm sweep the arena, ordering Innocents to return home. When they've all been transported away from the sight, the students were ordered to file into the UA auditorium.

It was all white noise to Bakugo's ears. Kotone had left. The greatest student of 1A, his favorite competitor, the one he went out of his selfish, stubborn way to help, left. And with the League of Villains of all people! He didn't understand.

Well, of course he did. She cared about her stupid brother and wanted to save him. But why didn't she escape as soon as Shinso was released?

Bakugo realized he knew the answer to that question too. She was a woman of honor. Kotone wouldn't go back in her word, and anyways, if she angered Dabi or Shigaraki, they could kill everyone in the arena without a second thought. Kotone was trying to save everyone at the cost of herself.

It scared him, how much Bakugo knew about Kotone. Maybe Kirishima was right.

"-and this is the most important part of tonight," All Might was saying on the stage. Bakugo tuned in last moment.

"If any of you have any way of contacting Young Aizawa, please let a hero know. We need to rescue dear Yumi, and refusing to help is considered a federal offense. Thank you and good night."

The students sleepily file out into their dorm rooms as Bakugo quietly ruminates.

"OI. Racoon, Weird Hair."

The addressed duo turns to skeptically glance at their friend.

"We need to talk."


As soon as Kotone touched ground at the LOV HQ, she wanted to puke. Those mist portals didn't agree with her stomach, and the location was a dirty mess. Her kidnappers entered soon after her.

"Welcome home, Kotone!" Shigaraki says with a grin. "You'll be staying a while with us, so get comfortable."

Kotone immediately jumped into a standing combat position. "I agreed to come with you, not stay," she snarls, hands wreathed in hellfire.

Dabi chuckles as he matches her. "It's one versus six of us, plus the nomu. You expect to win and escape?"

Kotone smirks. "I've always liked having better odds." She places her hands on the ground, blue grey eyes flashing. Her hair floats for a minute as 8 misty and shadowy souls rise from the dead.

"Kanako, Akari, Chiyo, Bashira, Ai, Ichika, Fumiko, Isamu," she orders. "Destroy these villains."

Her soldiers comply and run at the grown men. Shigaraki fails at turning them to dust, but Dabi burns their vestiges away.

"You're making me mad, little girl," he growls, stalking towards her.

Kotone sticks her tongue out and activates her quirk again, one hand covered in bright blue light and the other in hellfire.

"Catch me if you can," she teases.

Then blackness comes rushing up and she passes out.


Spinner stands above Kotone's body triumphantly, holding a frying pan. "Was she annoying you? She looked like she was annoying you."

Shigaraki groans and flops onto a sofa. "Get her to the Doc. We need to reverse that darn amnesia quirk in her."

The Ghosts of Childhood - Fem!OC MHA InsertWhere stories live. Discover now