7 - Past is Present and Present is Past

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The fire (and it's eventual extinguish at the hands of pro heros) lured the attention of the media, who swarmed in once they saw a reputable hero on the scene. Kotone was swept up in the press mob with Endeavor.

"Who are you miss? A new hero?"

"What is your connection with the #1 pro hero?"

"Were there any causalities?"

"What was the cause of the fire?"

"Any comments on the rumors of Class 1B being trapped and requiring rescue?"

"What's your quirk?"

"Is it true you were brought to U.A. and got in trouble the first few days there?"

Kotone panics, not prepared for the press. But there was no way out, and if negative things swirled around her image, well, that could spell problems. So she smoothed her suit out, shook the ash from her hair, and put on a smile for the cameras.

"Hello, it's amazing to see all of you! I'm the Resurrection Hero: Yumi, a student in the U.A. hero course. There was a small incident with careless campers and a cigarette. Endeavor tried to stop the fires, but clearly, being the Flame Hero and all, he only fanned them."

The press chuckles a little at her quip as Yumi winks.

"There were some who needed rescue, no deaths luckily, but I'm not 100% certain who needed help since I was trying to locate the cause of the fire. Luckily, I managed to get everything under control, along with some friends. As for those rumours," Yumi laughs. "I only got involved as a women who helped remove an unworthy trainee from our prestigious hero program."

The presses pushes more questions at Yumi, who simply smiles and waves them off. "Well, I'd love to stay and answer more of your delightful questions, but I need to confer with the heroes real quick." With that, she turns and dashes back into the charred forest searching for her family. Frantic, Kotone whips her head around when she crashes into something warm.


Kotone stands up. "Oh my, I'm sorry! Are you oka-wait, Monoma?"

"Hey Kotone. How's Eri doing?" Monoma flashes a flirty grin. "OI GUYS. FOUND HER."

Kendo runs in their direction, followed by Hitoshi. Shinso sees his sister and crashes into her, engulfing the girl in a hug. Shinso wasn't the touchy type, so Kotone immediately went on guard. However a closer examination proved that Hitoshi was just worried.

"I thought you were going to die," he murmurs into her shoulder before finally separating. Kotone smiles weakly.

"It'll take more than some flames to keep me down big bro. I'm immune to fire, remember?"

Hitoshi winces. "Because you regularly torture yourself."

"Well, I'm sorry if I don't want to end up like Dabi?"

Kendo interrupts. "As fun as it is to see you two quarrel, we need to find our class again."

Shinso and Kotone stop and nod to the redhead, Hitoshi stepping a little closer to his sister. Monoma goes to her other side.

"What'd he mean, regularly torture yourself?" Neito asks, a little concerned. Despite acting like a jerk 99% of the time, the Phantom Thief truly cared for Eri and as an extension, Kotone. It was hard to earn his trust, but when you did, his loyalty and compassion knew no bounds. Kotone waves the question off.

"Something I do every month to make sure I don't get burned by the hellfire. Hurts like hell, predicably, but it's better to suffer for about an hour every month than suffer each time I use my quirk."

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