KoBaku Oneshot - Bubbles

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Scenario - Kotone and Bakugo are set up on a blind date by Mina.

KoBaku Dynamic for Oneshot - Cordial. Kotone hangs with Mina and Kirishima and by de facto, Bakugo, but they don't converse much. They interact more like brother-sister.

Timeline - Not cannon

Chapter Structure Dynamics - Similar to Chapter 6


Kotone steps off the bus and makes her way in front of a boba shop for a planned friends day out. She waits a few minutes before digging in her bag for her phone and calling Mina.

"Hey girl! I'm at the location, but I don't see you guys. We're meeting at the Lotus Bubbles store that's across campus, right?"

Mina answers, suppressing giggles. "Sorry, something held us up. We'll be there later. You can go inside and order food. I'm sure you're hungry. Besides, one of the others should have gotten there already."

Kotone frowns again and shugs, heading inside the little tea cottage. As she does so, the girl does a double take. Sitting at a double table is Bakugo Katsuki, his head on his hand, watching the hubbub outside the store.

"Hey Bakugo!" Kotone calls, just to be friendly. Katsuki's eyes widen in surprise, his head lifting off his hand.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, somewhat quietly.

"Mina and her friends invited me. Are you on a date?" Kotone replies, somewhat incredulously, noting Bakugo's nice shirt and nervous posture.

"Shut up," he mumbles. "Kirishima said a girl was waiting for me."

Kotone raises an eyebrow and slides into the seat. "Oh? Who's the lucky gal?"

Bakugo shrugs. "I dunno. Weird hair just said that she would be looking for some friends and that I should invite her over."

Kotone's widen. "Oh no. They didn't."

Katsuki understands immediately. "Weird hair and Raccoon?"

"As of the moment, their names are Dead and Deader. The idiots set us up!" Kotone jumps up from her seat, ready to storm away, when Bakugo grabs her arm.


Kotone looks behind her to see a very embarrassed Katsuki.

"I already ordered...but I can't finish it myself. Can you help me? It's not a date or anything, but it would be a waste of food."

Kotone smiles. "Alright. We'll eat. I'm starving anyways."

Bakugo and Kotone chat for a while (about how to murder Mina and Kirishima), when a pretty young waitress approached them.

"Oh. Is this your girlfriend sir?" she says rather spitefully. Kotone watches with hooded eyes.

"Yup. So back off, brat," Kotone spits. "I don't need an ugly troll to ruin our date."

The waitress backs up, shocked. She drops the food on the table, along with two tall, beautiful fruit teas and storms off. Kotone grabs a handful of shrimp chips before noting Bakugo's odd expression.


"No, I was just surprised. Why'd you tell that extra we were dating?" Bakugo looks a little perturbed at the thought.

"She obviously liked you. If I didn't stake a claim, she wouldn't have stopped flirting and therefore delay our little murder party," Kotone says matter of factly. "It's not like we're actually dating, so don't worry about it."

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