6 - Uh Oh

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Yumi is Kotone's hero name btw


"What the heck Kotone?" Mina snaps as her friend storms downstairs.

"I'm so fed up with him!" Kotone says, throwing her hands up. "I don't know why I keep snapping, but I swear to God, he keeps pushing my buttons!"

(A/n: No, it's not Katsuki sweetie 😭)

Mina furrows her brow. "You can't keep doing this. He'll kill you!"

"Honestly, I don't care at this point," Kotone mumbles. Mina's eyes widen.


"Oh don't worry about it," Kotone waves her hand. "Let's just get away from that UGH!"

Mina chases Kotone downstairs, her questions being ignored. Concerned, the acid quirk wielder makes her way to the teacher's lounge discreetly as Kotone flops onto the couch, arms crossed. Denki, silently, offers an extra Nintendo Switch controller, the television displaying a basic Mario Kart loading screen. Kotone takes it and joins the game. Soon after, the entire Bakusquad (minus Kirishima, Bakugo, and Mina) had joined, along with Midoriya (who kicked everyone's butt) and Tokoyami (because Dark Shadow wanted to play).

It was a happy moment.


The next morning, the class woke up and prepared for another typical Wednesday. The students filled in and hung out in their respective friend groups until the bell rang, where they jumped into their seats before Iida could yell at them.


The intercom jumps to life as Present Mic yells at the classes.


19 pairs of eyes meet Kotone, who blushes and slowly makes her way to the door. Only Mina won't look her bestie in the eye.

When Kotone arrived, Recovery Girl awaits, along with Present Mic and All Might.

"Yes?" Kotone says slowly, a little concerned.

"Is anything on your mind dear?" Recover Girl asks gently. Present Mic had removed most his gear, signaling his role in the office as a concerned guardian, not a hero.


All Might furrows his brow. "Young Aizawa, we received a report that you may be struggling with mental health issues."

Kotone laughs. "Oh, no. I'm not."

Hizashi walks to his daughter with a worried expression. "Sweetie, you have to tell them. Please."

Kotone glances around. Mina did this, she knew. It wasn't even that bad! No need for this intervention! But the grown ups' faces told her that they wouldn't let her leave till she fessed up.


Kotone explained her previous battle with depression, as well as the treatment that Hizashi and Aizawa had managed to procure for her.

"But I'm doing fine now, I promise!" she insists.

Recovery Girl frowns. "You mentioned taking Sertraline. Do you still take it?"

Kotone looks away bashfully. "Um..."

"Kotone!" Hizashi admonishes.

"I stopped a few months ago," Kotone admits. "I thought it was alright! I forgot to take it one day, and I felt fine. So I stopped."

The Ghosts of Childhood - Fem!OC MHA InsertWhere stories live. Discover now