KoBaku Oneshot - Advice

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Scenario - Kotone asks her oldest friend for help about her emotions.

KoBaku Dynamic for Oneshot - TGoC cannon dynamic

Timeline - Sometime before the Forest Incident in Chapter 6

Chapter Structure - Texting


Koko - Hey Mil?

Lemon - Yea?

Koko - srry about ditching u and eri 4 dinner btw

Lemon - np. some1 told me u had smth on ur mind

Koko - yea...Abt that...

Lemon - ???

Kolo - some1 left udon + note outside my door

Lemon - aww cute

Koko - and my med

Lemon - dad?

Koko - maybe. But Bakugo's door slammed when I was opening door

Lemon - Dynamight?

Koko - yea

Lemon - ...

Lemon - he angry?

Lemon - wait no duh course he's angry. Maybe coincidence?

Koko - maybe.

Koko - I feel bad 4 snapping @ him my 1st day here

Lemon - go apologize then

Koko - he should be sleeping like a sane person rn!

Lemon - text then


Hades - u awake?

Bakubro - yeah, why?

Hades - ...

Bakubro - ???

Hades - I need help

Bakubro - really? The great Aizawa girl needs help?

Hades - NVM then

Bakubro - wait I was jk

Hades - how do you deal with emotions?

Bakubro - punch someone?

Hades - alr come over


Bakubro - help

Baby Shark - whuzz wrong

Bakubro - Hades punched me

Baby Shark - again?

Bakubro - dude help me it hurts

Baby Shark - lol weak

Bakubro - pls

Baby Shark - lol fine coming over now


Koko - So...

Lemon - uh no

Koko - why oh no?

Lemon - [insert skeptical gif]

Koko - lol fine

Koko - I punched him

Lemon - KOTONE

Koko - I ASKED him for advice on dealing with emotions, and he said "punch someone"

Koko - so I punched him

Lemon - Koko, that's not how you deal with a crush...

Koko - uh uh I don't have a crush on Bakugo. I want to crush him, not crush on him

Lemon - right...


Baby Shark - you awake?

Pinky Pie - yeah, hru?

Baby Shark - ur bestie hit Bakubro again

Pinky Pie - lol

Baby Shark - your ship is sinking

Pinky Pie - I knowwww ToT

Baby Shark - be a better matchmaker

Pinky Pie - howww? It was pure luck I landed Hatsume!

Baby Shark - I dunno. I'm Red Riot, not Red Romance

Pinky Pie - useless //jk


Really boring, and fluffy, but I wanted to write something light and sweet for the angst road that is this next arc 😈

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