12 - Terrorist

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WARNING - Bloody chapter


Class 1A begrudgingly takes their places in the common room to begin studying for exams. Every now and then, a glance is made towards the center cushion of the couch, and the normal hustle and bustle has been reduced to quiet murmurs.

It's like they are grieving.

Even Midoriya has stopped with his muttering.

Suddenly, Jirou's head pops up. "EVERYONE GET DOWN."

The class complies as the outer wall explodes, something small and purple flying over the debris and landing in Denki's lap, who screams and flings it to the center of the common room.

It's a body of a boy with purple balls on his head.

Even though everyone hates Mineta, the sight still makes them sick to their stomachs. Half his head is bashed in and vicious blisters smother his body.

"Who-" Momo begins when she is interrupted by another blast. Another body is flung over the debris, this one still screaming and thrashing.

Hanta quickly rescues the civilian with his tape.

"Are you okay?"

Bakugo inhales sharply. It was Kotone, beaten and bloody, her hero costume ripped to shreds.

"Please. Help," she croaks. "I only just got out, but you're all in danger. They're coming."

Midoriya, frazzled, processes her words and quickly starts ushering people to the center. "Someone tell a teacher to reactivate the UA Barrier!" he orders.

Todoroki scoops up the shivering Kotone and begins to console her. "It will be fine Kotone, you went to the right place."

She nods quickly tears forming in her eyes. Frantically, students pile into safe zones as the barrier goes up and the lockdown begins.


"What's the situation?" Eraserhead barks into his ear piece.

"A body and a teenage girl were thrown over the fallen rubble. Suspected terrorist attack, though the group behind it is yet to be identified. Class 1A tending to the girl now," Best Jeanist reports as the two race to the edge of campus to join Endeavor, Present Mic, Hawks, and Mirko.

"Who's the girl?" Present Mic asks as his eyes dart to watch anything or anyone emerging from the dusty debris.

"Smoke blue hair and eyes, wearing a ripped up blue hero costume."

Mic and Eraser lock eyes. Both realize it's Kotone. Just as Eraser opens his mouth, the outer wall explodes.

Shigaraki and Dabi slowly emerge from a swirling mist gate, gently dropping to a large piece of shrapnel like it's a platform. Kurogiri manifests as well. Startled, the heroes turn around as Twice and Toga spin out of the emergency exits with matching grins on their faces, followed by Spinner.

"Well well well," Tomura sing songs. "The top 5 heroes, just where we want them."

Quick as a wink, the pros activate their quirks, Jeanist doing his best to tie the villains up in their own clothes, Endeavor trying to roast them all, Mirko screaming about crushing them, and Hawks pointedly ignoring Dabi and trying to direct his feather before they get burned. Eraser and Mic square off to the approaching Spinner, Toga, and Twice, knocking back Toga's sucking needles and dodging both the clone and knife attacks from Twice and Spinner.

Even though the villains are totally outnumbered, they don't seem concerned. Dabi is cackling as he battle Endeavor, shooting glances at the number two hero who is trying to knock Kurogiri off the small platform he stands on.

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