⚠️ 13 - Alteration ⚠️

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Graphic chapter


Shinso drifted in and out of consciousness.  His arm felt like it was in fire.  It had been ever since that cold blue flame engulfed his right side.

He didn't know what happened to his sister.


Through his blurry vision, Shinso can see a head of yellow approach him.  Denki.

"I brought flowers?"

The delicate blooms get laid across his stomach.  They're blue and pink, a pretty combination.  Shinso tries to raise his head, to thank Denki, but is forced back down, mouth grimacing in pain.

"Hey, hey.  Take it easy, kay?  The surgery was long.  We're all surprised you're awake so quickly.  I'm right here.  You'll be fine," Denki says soothingly.  Shinso manages a weak smile.

"W-what about about Koko?" he manages to force past his lips.  His boyfriend frowns.

"I'm sorry Toshi, but...she vanished with the rest of the League.  They did something to her.  The Kotobro we know wouldn't do that.  Bakugo..." the blond bites his lip.

Shinso stares up at the ceiling in shock.  His sister truly joined the villains.  He almost preferred not knowing.

"What about Bakugo?"

Denki chuckles wryly.  "He's having a mental breakdown.  Very upset that Kotobro left.  Won't leave his room, won't eat.  Kiri's taking care of him.  I thought you would be my first priority," he says shyly.

Shinso smiles and groans, closing his eyes.  "Thanks Kami."

"No problem Toshi."


"Bakugo this, Bakugo that!" Shigaraki exclaims.  "Why are you so obsessed with that boy?"

Shirori narrows her eyes.  "I haven't mentioned that deranged grenade since our UA attack.  I don't know where you're getting this notion I'm obsessed with Bakugo Katsuki out of all the morons in Japan," she bites back sharply.  Shigaraki whistles narrowly.

"Really?" He plays a recoding on a phone.  It's Shirori's voice at night.  She's dreaming and very clearly saying, "Bakugo."

Shirori narrows her eyes.  "I can't control my dreams, Tomura."

"I just need to know why you keep thinking about that boy."

"I can't stop thinking about him!" Shirori exclaims, throwing her hands into the air.  "I don't know why or how!"

"Just forget," Shigaraki advises, earning a glare from Shirori.  He goes mum.

"Sorry, wrong thing to say."

"Damn straight," Shirori agrees, spinning a blade between her fingers.  "Any news on Dabi?"

Tomura looks down.  "His pulse is stable but brainwaves are slow.  We think he's in a coma."

"So we should just kidnap Recovery Girl and get her to heal him," Shirori says sweepingly, kicking back into a chair.

"You make that sound so easy," Shigaraki growls.  "Kidnapping people from UA is not easy."

"Of course it's not," Shirori replies, hopping up and heading to her room.

"But now you have me."


"ATTENtion," Present Mic's voice rung out on campus with significant less tremor then usual.  "All students report to the main field."

A swarm of teens make their way into the huge clearing.  All seem to be in mourning, and many are, but the Class 1A students are particularly forlorn.  Sero, Denki, and Bakugo had refused (or were unable) to attend the assembly.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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