5 - First Contact

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The excited young blond girl squeals and hops up and down.

"A mission? Ooh, is it to spy on Izuku-kun and Ochako-chan again?"

A dry chuckle emits from the tired male.

"Sorry not, Toga. There's a new student in they're class however. They have an interesting quirk. I want you to do some recon. No attacks, don't let anyone know that you've infiltrated. Just get the info on the new kid and get out," Shigaraki orders. Toga pouts, complaining about how she'll be bored.

"I'll come with you Toga-chan!" Jin says, pulling his mask on from his shower. The teen grins and excitedly morphs into an extra.

"Absolutely not," Shigaraki snaps. "Twice, you can't even take your mask off. How are you supposed to blend in?"

Jin frowns. "Oh, right. Well, I'll wait back here Toga, so when you get back we can play Mario Kart."

Toga nods and heads out, mumbling about blood and disguises.


Kotone attempts to hide a yawn as Aizawa drones on and on about work studies. She was a discreet student and not likely to be scouted, so what was even the point.

"Psst. Koko. Pay attention," Mina whispers. "He might make them required this time around again."

Kotone snaps to attention just in time for Aizawa to start listing the agencies accepting interns and work studies.

"Everyone is required to participate for your grade."

Kotone exhales, thankful for Mina's warning. Aizawa continues and gives the students a few minutes to send in applications. Kotone, unsure of which agency would be best, applies for all of them. She could ask her friends for advice once she got an idea of who accepted her.

The bell rings to dismiss class into free time and Kotone meets up with Kirishima and Mina. The two had been very kind and goofy with her and the new girl always felt comfortable around them. She hadn't forgotten Todoroki's offer though. Kotone planned on calling him later.

Bakugo usually hung around Kirishima as well, so Kotone saw him quite a bit. A little afraid of the boy's temper, Kotone usually ignored him and joked around with the others. Denki was funny and silly, but smart in ways none would expect. Jirou was good to befriend. Despite her emo appearance, Jirou was intelligent and was basically the mom of the group. Mina was Mina, and Kiri made it his personal mission to make Kotone smile everyday. Sero sometimes hung around, but most of the time he was with another friend group. Kotone didn't know him well, but the tall Hispanic helped her study for tests from time to time.

Today, it was just Kirishima, Bakugo, Mina, and Kotone. The four grabbed a bubble tea and hung out at the park for a little before heading to the mall, at Mina's insistence.

"I need a facial! Besides, you'll looooove the spa here."

Begrudgingly, the three allowed themselves to be dragged into the beauty parlor. Even Bakugo, surprisingly.

After an hour of relaxing treatment (even Bakugo fell into the whim of calmness), the four teens headed back to the dorms. Kotone dropped her friends off before heading home, wondering which agencies would accept her application.


Bakugo furtively glanced around the empty dorm hallway before making his way to the storage closet. Opening the door, the blond slowly morphs back into Toga, removing an unconscious Katsuki back into his bed and injecting an anti-sedative. The switch complete Toga hops out the window and makes her way to base.

The Ghosts of Childhood - Fem!OC MHA InsertWhere stories live. Discover now