10: Jake

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"My goodness. I didn't think it was possible for there to be another." Tara said as she walked over to me. She had this look in her eyes that I couldn't quite place, it didn't seem right, though.

"What? Another what?" She asked in confusion. Tara just smiled. She turned to me, "What is it? What am I?"

"You, beautiful, are a ghost fairy. The most rare kind of all. There has only been one other in existence. He was killed by the Dreadwings a few years back." I said as I pulled her in for a kiss. She blushed and it was the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my life.

"Well what happened to make you think I am a ghost fairy?" She asked, "I know something is different, I feel it, I just don't know what it is..."

"Your hair, it's white. And you've gotten pailer, if possible." Tara says stepping back.

"You are an anchor to the ghost realm. You help the spirits cross to the other side. You may not always see them but they have to go through you in order for them to move on." Jake says as he takes a strand of her hair. "Your hair is pretty like this." He says.

"Thanks. What powers do I have? Can I fly?" She asks.

"You can fly, yes. It may take many lessons from the wind fairies, though. You can also become invisible and walk through walls. You contain the highest level of magic and can also move objects with your mind." She looks so happy. And that smile of her's, oh my it is just beautiful.

I love her hair this way, too. Pure white. No hint of the purple dye from before. "Yes, yes, yes!" She squeeles and jumps into my arms to hug me. I hug her tightly and she does the some to me. We break the hug to kiss and that lasts for all of 3 seconds before Tara fake coughs and ruins the mood. Thanks, so much Tara...

"So, "Tara says, "When should we start flying lessons?"

"Can we start now?" Cora asks with a hopeful smile. Her eyes are bright and I know I can't say no to her.

"Of corce!" I say and her smile grows wider than I thought it ever could. About 5 minutes later we are outside waiting for Tara to come out of the training room and into the cort yard. She is getting the gear so Cora doesn't get hurt wile (trying) flying.

"Finally." I grumble about 5 minutes later as she walks out with a helmet and gloves along with elbow and knee pads. She hands them to Cora. "Do you need help putting them on?" I ask her.

"No, I think I got it." She says as she attempts to put on the knee pads and some how manages to trip and fall, me catching her like I always do. How can we have an always? We only started dating, like, this morning. But, never the less, we do, and I love it. I think I might just love her...

"You ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm good. But I think I might just need some help now." We both laugh- giggle is the more appropriate word- and Tara coughs again. Sometimes I really hate that girl... No, more than sometimes. I never really liked her. When we were kids she put a frog in my underwear drawer and I was so scared...

I help Cora put on her gear proplerly and with little struggle. She then follows Tara up a ladder, to a platform as I follow after her. Tara and I can both fly, us being light and day fairies. They do the same thing, really, except day fairies have a bigged job. They must bring day time to all humans where as light fairies only bring light. We can fly because the day fairies need to go to Earth as quickly as possible and light fairies are in charge of going up to the sun once a month to capture some of it's light.

"Ok, Cora. Watch Jake carfully as he jumps off the platform and flys to the other one." Tara says.

"Wait, are you sure she is ready to do this? If she falls..." I trail off.

"She will be fine, Jake! I know my girl. You should too for that matter." Tara says teasingly.

"I do know her. I am just being cautious." I say honestly. I really would feel horrible if she got hurt under my watch. It might just break my heart.

"Jake! Jump!" Tara yells at me. I jump and my heart starts racing, not because I am scared for myself, but because I am afraid Cora will get scared and I won't be able to complete our 'always'.

I come within 2 inches of the ground and swoop upward and land on the next platform. I smile nervously at Cora as she looks at me in shock. I almost forgot she has never seen somebody fly before...

"You've got this, Cora!" I say encouragingly to my girlfriend as she takes a deep breath and jumps. I expect her to fall atleast 7 feet before she starts to fly and come crashing into me, but I was wrong. So wrong.

She stops midair, just floating there between the 2 platforms and she looks confused. Very confused. I don't think she knows she is doing it.

"What's happening? Jake! What the fuck is happening?" She yells to me and I fly out to her, as does Tara.

"Cora, just calm down, I'm sure it's fine. You are flying, Cora you did it! Better that I thought." I say as I high five her, treasuring that smile and put my arm around her.

"Yeah, Cora, this is amazing. Must be a perk of being a ghost fairy. We need to talk to my dad about this." I nod in understanding as we both take one of Cora's arms and slowly pull her down.

"What would your dad help? Isn't he still on Earth?" Cora asks.

"You never met my real father. My father is Mr.Stephan Herron, of course."

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