19: Jake

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An hour ago, I was taken. Picked up by a Dreadwing and given to a group of what appear to be humans, though if they are, they must be under mind control. Dreadwings, when taking over a fairy's body, can do that.

The humans dragged me down a long and badly lit hallway with a green floor that reminds me of the one in The Green Mile, it was the color of faded likes. I don't want to go down the green mile, it only leads to the electric chair. Let's hope this one does not.

They proceeded to drag me into a room and strap me to a large, metal chair in the back corner. After making sure the straps are tight, the humans, if that, left me. I just stayed there, I didn't fight the restraints and I refused to look at the huge security camera pointed at my face. I know why I am here. I know I failed my mission, my feelings got in the way.

It isn't my fault that I love her.

I tried not to think about the mission since it started, mostly because I knew it was wrong and I hate my father, the one who assigned it. My parents never died, not both of them anyway. Only Nick's father and our mother, we had different fathers but he doesn't know that. He doesn't know what I am because of this. You see, my father was not human, nor was he a fairy, he was a Dreadwing, making myself half Dreadwing as well. I cannot mind control and I cannot step out of my fairy body as the others do, but because I am the son of a Dreadwing, I must obey the king, him being my father. And because of this, and his deep hatred of the fairies and Ryan Michaelson, Cora's father who is not dead, just for the record, I had to follow his orders to abduct Cora and bring her to him so he could capture her magic just like he did to Ryan. Ryan is now powerless.

It is an extremely painful process to take away a fairy's magic. You must cut deeply and slowly into their heart over and over, never letting the wound heal. You need to make the fairy wish for their end for it to work. They must wish to die.

I realize I have been thinking for a long, long time, maybe close to 2 hours, when in walks my father in his Dreadwing form, a grey and leathery body with wings and oil drop eyes. He asks me, "What were you thinking, going against my orders?"

"I don't know, maybe that what you ordered me to do was wrong, that just because you don't like what she is she shouldn't have to be tortured! Maybe that I love her!" he slaps me so hard my nose bleeds and my cheek stings.

"How dare you! You were to retrieve her and bring her to me! Not fall in love with the bitch!" He hits me again, harder, and my cheek splits open from one of his claws, blood spilling onto the floor. This was why I hated my father, he hurts me because he hates me. The only reason I'm not dead is that he uses me to do his dirty work (Kidnapping Cora, etc.) because no one else will. I'm not sure why he hates me, not sure I care either, but if I do not do everything he says from this point forward he may kill me, or worse, Cora.

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