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I had run out of the hall and through a door that just so happened to lead outside and onto a balcony. I was not crying and I didn't feel sad. I didn't really feel anything.

I was just numb.

I know that I killed Tara. I know that Jake is dead. I just don't want to feel the pain of that, so I simply don't allow myself to. At least not right then.

I just stood there for a good 20 minutes before Nick came out and put his hand on my shoulder, asking if I was ok.

Of course I'm not, I thought. But I couldn't speak. He just sighed and wiped a tear from my eye that I hadn't know had fallen and steered me back inside to find an exit.


We made it back to The Clouds. We were in Mr. Stephan's office and he was talking, his wife crying as the news of their daughter's death was delivered. I wasn't paying much attention to them. I was just staring blankly at them as they spoke to Nick. He was holding Ian's hand and Ian was crying again, his sobs muffled by Nick's shoulder.

Once Nick was done talking to Mr. Stephen, they brought me back to the house. It was quiet. Too quiet. I didn't care.

We walked through the doors to the dining room and I was sat at a table next to Ian wile Nick went into the kitchen, presumably to make food or something. It was still quiet, too quiet, and I was staring at the wall directly across from me. It was a plain old white wall with no paintings of anything to make it unique like the rest of the walls. This made me think of how I felt right then. Like nothing. Like emptiness. I hated it. I wanted to be somewhere else that didn't remind me of how this felt.

Then I tried to think of something else. But all I could think of was Jake getting shot. How he said he loved me. How now, I will never hear him say that to me again. How my heart is broken. How my life is broken.

How I am broken.

I screamed at the top of my lungs until I had no air left to scream with. My throat raw, I inhaled deeply an then screamed again, feeling the tears fall down my cheeks as Nick rushed out of the kitchen and held me tight against his body, not letting go until I had calmed down.

"What happened?" He asked Ian.

He replied with, "I-I don't know! Sh-she just st-started screaming."

I was just crying now, loud and choked sobs escaping my lips and when I stopped, they brought me back to my room and Nick left to doing something wile Ian stayed with me. Then I said the first words since I killed Tara, "If I asked you for a favor, would you help me?"

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