18: Cora

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We made it back to the house at the same time as Ian and I was sad to see that Jake wasn't there yet. Seeing as Ian and Nick wanted some time together to celebrate their couple stuff, I left them in the dinning room and went on a walk. I kind of wanted to see if Jake and I could have a bit of alone time too, but he wasn't there. I had already eaten and was very bord so I decided to see if I could find Tara to take my mind off of my disappointment.

Since she is a day fairy, she may be in a class or in the sky doing her job, but I didn't see her leave this morning, we left before she finished her breakfast. I don't know where I should look for her, I hardly even know how to get to the house from the court yard, let alone anywhere else, but I decide I'm going to just look around, see what's what. That's something I've been meaning to do.

I am walking past an old looking blue building with black shutters and nobody going in or out of it, unlike the rest of the buildings. This is also the only building(that I know of) that has anything black on it. All the places in The Clouds are so colorful, it seems almost wrong for there to be black shutters. I don't know what to make of this. Are we not supposed to go in there? Or is it just not as busy as the other places. I want to ask Mr. Stephan but he seems like he is always busy and I wouldn't want to inconvenience him by asking dumb questions.

I decide to check it out, despite the eerie look of the place. I walk over slowly and oddly feel like I'm being watched. I reach my hand out for the crystal door nob and just before I take it, I hear a loud, blood curdling scream. In the reflection the the doorknob I see a huge, grey creature flying towards me that could be none other than a Dreadwing. I begin to run the other way but it is too late, it picks me up by my shoulders and flies me away.


I blacked out.

The whole way to wherever the fuck I am, I blacked out.

The Dreadwing flew me somewhere and dropped me on a cold cement floor in a dark room. I can't see anything. The only light coming in it threw a small crack in what I think is a door. I must have only been here for a little wile because the pain in my ribs, most likely broken, is still as sharp as when I was first dropped.

I can't tell the time but it feels like hours, I try to count out seconds but get distracted by the drip drop, drip drop, of the water coming from what I think is the celling. For all I know, it could be the slobber of a bulldog in the corner of the room, waiting to eat me. I'm scared and I want to get out.

When the pain in my ribs finally subsides a little, I stand up and walk over to the door. I pound on it and say, "Hey! Hey is anybody out there? Let me out! Please just let me out!"

I hear foot steps outside the door and murmured conversation that I can't make out. Both voices were distinctly male and distinctly not human. I loose all hope at the lack of response and crawl back in my corner, curling up in a ball and I begin to cry. I can't think because of how hard I cry, and eventually, I just stop because there is nothing left for me to cry about. I lay on the ground, my whole body feeling numb, and trying not to think.  What is there to think about anyways?

I stay like this for what feels like hours until I hear the door open and see somebody else being thrown inside. It is a man about 4 inches taller than me, judging by his sillouette. He says, "Cora, is it really you?"

His voice is weak and raspy, sounding older than I'm sure he is. With a confused look I reply, "Who are you?"

He says, "I am your father."

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