4: Jake

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"What are you doing hear, Nick?" I ask as I stand from the bed and walk to my long lost brother. I haven't seen him in at least 3 years and I thought he was dead. I try to give him a hug but he stops me.

"No, brother. We must go back to The Clouds." He turns, "Bring the girl." He says.

"Wait. You're his brother? Where are we going?" Cora asks as I take her hand as she stands up. She looks at me in a very confused way and I wish I could tell her now. I really do. But it will all be explained when we get there. He will explain it all.

"Yes he is my brother, Nick. We really must leave now." I begin to pull her but she lets go of my hand. I turn back, "Come on, Cora, I'm not kidding."

"I won't go until I know were we are going." She says stubbornly.

"I can't tell you but it will all be explained once we get there. Please Cora." I plead. She shakes her head and I stare at her with a frown. Why doesn't she trust me?

"Oh my fucking God," Nick walks over to Cora and picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder."Let's fucking go already! We don't have all day!"

He pulls a glowing, purple portal stick out of his pocket and snaps it in half to generate the portal to The Clouds. The portal appears and Cora looks really scared."Put her down, Nick." I say to him and he does. She runs over to me and I hug her as tight as I can, glaring at my brother. He just shrugs, the little bitch.

"This is a portal, Cora, "I continue, "It will take us to were we need to go, but you need to trust me and go right now because it will only stay open for a few more seconds. I lock our hands together again, "There we go." And then, together, we walk into the portal. We start spinning and Cora clings to me but doesn't scream. I am suprised by this. I guess she does trust me.

We are thrown out of the portal and onto The Land of Clouds. Cora and lands on top of me and she is still holding onto me for dear life with a nervous look on her face. Why is she nervous? Is it because she doesn't know where she is or still because of the portal. Most likely the latter.

"W-where are we?" She asks as she stands up off me. I groan and get to my feet too.

"Mr. Stephen Herron will answer all of that." I answer her. She gives me this look, I can't tell if it's disappointed or scared. I just need to get to know her better.

"Come with me." Nick says as he grabs Cora's hand and drags her off in the other direction as I follow and attempt to pry Nick's hand from hers. Now I know she is scared. She looks around at the very unearthly place, her eyes wide and she finally succeeds in escaping Nick's grasp.

"Where you going, Cupcake?" He asks her and she whips around and stomps back to him.

"Why did you call me that?" She asks.

"What? Cupcake? Because you just seem so sweet like one." He says with a sly smile. This is why I hate my brother. He is constantly hitting on the girls I lik- my friends. He hits on my friends. I can't like Cora. We just met today.

Cora then kicks Nick in the balls and he lets out a pained groan before falling to his knees, tears welling up in his eyes."I sure am sweet, aren't I?" She asks turning to me.

"Just the right kind of sweet for me..." I mumble. She walks back over to me and takes my cold hand in her warm one. Wow, her hands are warm. And soft, too. Like pillows almost.

"So, are you going to take me to this Mr. Stephen guy or whatever? I want my questions answered ASAP." She says and I nod shyly. I take her down a path and into the big black building, made mostly of obsidian, Nick following slowly behind us. This is were Mr. Stephan Herron works. He and all the other important people of The Clouds are here."Wow," Cora said next to me, "This place is huge." And it is. This is the biggest building in all of The Clouds and also the most important. I lead her to an elevator and up to the 3rd floor. The boss floor.

"This is Mr. Stephen's office." I knock on the door."Mr. Stephen, it's Jake. I have Cora Michaelson with me. She has been asking questions that I thought it better you answered."

The door opens and we walk in. There are 2 chairs and we take them, Cora following my lead."I have been expecting you, Ms. Michaelson." Mr. Stephen says. "I am glad to see you have arrived safely to The Clouds. What questions does Jake speak of?"

Cora is noticeably nervous so I reach over and give her leg a squeeze. She looks down and blushes but looks back over to Mr. Stephen to answer his question."Where are we? Who are you? What did we just jump through? What is this?" She asks pointing to button on the table that even I didn't know about.

"We are in The Land of Clouds. I am Mr.Stephen Herron, the ruler here. You most likely jumped through a portal to get hear. And that button is none of your buisness..." he says, a little grouchy.

"Ok." She says processing what she has just been told, not that she has much to think about."Ok. Are we still on Earth?" She asks. Mr. Stephen nods. "Ok. Do other humans live here?" He shakes his head."Then what does?"

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