3: Cora

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"Yes I do have a car." Jake answers.

"Can you maybe drive me home? I don't really want to walk with, " I lick my finger, "cherry coolata all over me in public." He agrees with no question and we leave the building. We should be back by the time lunch ends so we won't be late to another class.

We walk to his car, a bright green Chevy with a rubber duck on the end of the antenna. It really is quite cute. He unlocks the car and we both climb in. He starts it and begins making his way out of the parking lot. "Were do you live?" He asks me then says, "That wasn't creepy."

I laughed and said, "260 Rose street. It's right past-"

"Main, I know. I live right next to you. I'm at 265." He says with a smile.

"Ok then lets go!" I reach for the volume on the radio and he swats my hand away.

"No. Only I get to decide what plays when I am driving. If you ever drive my car then you can decide what plays. I am deciding that we will listen to Green Day." He pops in a CD and turns the volume up. American Idiot comes on.

"Ok fine. But only because I fucking love this song." He smirks at my words and starts to sing the words, as do I. To anybody else, we would look crazy. We do look crazy. I like it.

We arrive at my house about 5 minutes later and we get out of the car, "Ok so I am just going to get dressed and then we can go back to school. Ok?" I say.

"We could do that. Or we could just stay hear and cut the rest of the day. I think that was the worst first day of school I have ever had and that's saying something because on the first day at my old school, Joey Nelson poured apple juice on my head." We laughed really hard about that and I agreed to skip the rest of the day. I texted Tara that I was with Jake and she was not happy. I could clearly tell in art that she did not like him and I'm not sure. She said to have him out by tomorrow because she needed to talk to me immediately. Weird...

Jake and I played tons of games; 20 questions, monopoly, hide and seek for a little bit, but we ended the night off with Twister. There is this new cool electronic spinner app that I have in my phone that we used so we didn't have to get up to spin.

"Right foot blue" says the robot voice on the phone.

I place my foot and so does Jake and I almost fall but need to defend my title as the undefeated champion of the night.

"Left hand yellow" says the voice again and so this time we place our hands and Jake wobbles and eventually falls.

"Yes! I won! The undefeated champion of Twister remains unde-" My hands are sweeped from under me and I fall onto Jake. Wow. He has some nice muscles...

But never mind that. I hear the door open and in walks my mother. Crap. she takes one look at us and laughs. Why is she laughing?

"Are you 2 really playing Twister?" she asks with another laugh."Cora, who is your friend here?" she asks.

"This is Jake. Jake, this is my mom." he waves nervously. Adorable. My mother nods with a smile.

"Be ready for dinner in 5." she says and rushes off to the kitchen. Weird. She would usually start yelling about the dangers of boys and kick him out. I wonder if she is ok....

I remove myself from Jake and lead him to the kitchen where my mom is finishing making spaghetti. Jake goes and begins to set the table, what a gentleman.

"You don't have to do that, Jake." I say.

"It is no problem, really. I'm happy to do it." So I let him. I hate setting the table anyways. When he finishes, food is put out and we all sit down. "I love spaghetti." Jake says wile digging in. After he finishes his monster bite and sees mom and I staring we all start laughing and I begin to eat too.

The dinner was full of laughter and stories. I learner so much about Jake today. He learner a lot about me too. But the night has to come to an end at some point, as he proved with his next words.

"I guess I should be leaving now." He says after clearing the table for us and placing the dishes in the sink.

"That is unnecessary, Jake." My mom unexpectedly says,"You can stay the night if you wish. You can sleep on the floor in Cora's room." What the fuck? It isn't that I don't approve but usually she sticks to her rule of no boys in the house when she isn't home, which is why it was so surprising when she invited him for dinner and didn't yell at me for cutting school.

"Ok ma'am." He says with a shy smile.

"Don't 'ma'am' me!" She says, "It makes me feel old!"

"And that, you are not." He says with a wink. Mom giggles -yes giggles-and goes into her room to get ready for bed. We look at eachother awkwardly and I lead him to my room, our hands entwined.

"This is my room!" I say, gesturing to the blue painted walls and posters of bands I like. My favorite poster is the one of My Chemical Romance. I like their song, Blood, I think its funny.

He looks around and his eyes look at the many posters and stop at the 5SOS poster. He raises and eyebrow and I respond with, "What? They're hot!" He laughs as he sits on my bed. He lays down and looks displeased with the pillow. He moves it and-fuck! My jewley box is there! It has important stuff in it.

"Hey! Put that down!" I reach for the box but he dodges me. Instead of playing this game, I jump on him and get the box back that way. He reluctantly lets go but by this time, he is on top of me with my legs straddling his hips. Wow, this is an uncomfortable position to be in right now. But I can't stop staring at him. He is just so beautiful. He leans down as if he is about to kiss me. Definently about to kiss me. But a noise is heard, a loud one, which snaps us out of the, I don't even know what it was, we were previously in.

He climbs off of me, "Hello, Jake." Says an unknown boy with a strong jaw line and blue hair like Jake's only darker. He looks right at me, "Hello, Cora."

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