Heh.. I guess I deserve it.. :)

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Growing up, I was always different.

I used to think it was a bad thing.

I didn't want to be different. I wanted to talk to the other kids. I wanted to finally have friends..

I...wanted to be like them.

There was this empty feeling in my heart that was stopping me from living normally. I felt incomplete, and I needed to find what was missing.

And then I found out I was the lost princess of uwu kawaii kittens and quirkiness. After that I had everything anyone could think of. I should have been happy, and finally enjoy life.

But still, I continued feeling empty.

I had it all, but nothing could ever fill the hole in my heart.

I became an e-kitten a few years later. I stayed on the internet for a long time, because I didn't want to accept the fact that my life is sad and meaningless, and I could never do anything to change that. I also never left my room, and stopped going outside because of being online for too long. I've never actually seen sunlight or grass in years.

I've met e-boys that have kind of made me feel something. But maybe it was just their money that made me feel that way..

I continued staying in my room all day for 5 years straight. I've started since I was only 10. I refused to leave the room, even when they tried to get me out of it.

That's when my mother had enough. She decided it was a bad idea for me to be homeschooled and I had to go outside. She said I needed to be in a real school, because I haven't interacted with a real person in years.

At first I hated the idea. I was thinking of secretly skipping the first day and just talk to e-boys online again.

But I went anyway..

I knew I was gonna regret that decision.

That's what I thought, until..

I met him.

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