Chapter 4 ~ The Plan

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I-..I think me and Jake might be a thing.. I mean, just look at us!! uwu :33

(Oh hell nah 😭 I wanna keep adding artworks to torture yall with them)

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(Oh hell nah 😭 I wanna keep adding artworks to torture yall with them)

I love Jake more than anyone else in the world. He's my protector, my pookie bear, my world, my everything.. I can't imagine another universe that he isn't my mysterious bad boy lone wolf alpha..

When I first saw him, it felt like he changed my whole life. He was so tall, like probably 6'11, and he had the most ATTRACTIVE VOICE I HAVE EVER HEARD!! Not just that, but hes soo romantic. Jake has a better personality than any guy I've ever met online. He's also an edgy emo bad boy with a 12-pack!! Who wouldn't want to be with him after hearing that?

Maybe one day he'll realize that I'm the one for him. That I'm his soulmate, and his only kitten. That I'm special and not like the other girls so he should just stop talking to all the girls in the planet and be with me instead. He IS the one this time, I swear!!

Anyways, me and Estelle are best friends now! Yay!! (She's totally does not exist just to support me and ship me with Jake..)

Sooo.. yeah!! I won't live life as an emo baddie baka anymore! I don't need to worry about anything anymore! It's not like theres someone secretly plotting against me, right??

The next day

-At school-

I was just having a normal quirky day in my now new quirky life. I still don't really like going outside, the only reason I like going to school is because of Jake!

As I was walking down the halls with Estelle, I saw the same three girls from yesterday, giving me death glares. And even whispering to each other too..

I just realized all the other girls were looking at me. Do they hate me? Of course they would, because I'm not like other girls and because Jake probably likes me! And I didn't even try to impress him like how these basic boring girls did!!

You'd probably think I'm supposed to feel something bad just because all the girls hate me, but I don't. It actually makes me feel better. They all hate me because they're mad that they can't pull 727192829839282972917391648181940719183 boys like I can. I'm so quirky and unique and different!!!

I saw Jake also staring at me. I just LOVE when he looks at me with those mysterious dark ocean blue eyes 😍😍 He must be obsessed with me!!! Why wouldn't anyone be obsessed with a petite small tiny quirky kitten like I am?? 🥺🥺🥺

Another timeskip

-Somewhere. Idk but someplace in the school-

"Hey.. are you sure this plan will work?"

"Of course it will! She'll never talk to Jake after this!"

"Good, now he'll be all yours again, Astrea!!"


This was really short but yeah!!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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