Chapter 1 ~ I Hate School

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I opened my eyes and got out of my bed. I then walked to my bathroom mirror as my long hair dragged from the floor. 

I looked at myself in the mirror reflection.

My hair was long and soft

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My hair was long and soft. It had a lavender color which made me different and not like other girls..

My eyes were two different colors: green and violet. I had big eyes and long eyelashes and that made me quirky.

My skin was pale. And also clear and soft. Even though I literally stay up all night without any sleep I still have clear skin and no eyebags..

Anyway, I took a shower (for the first time in years). After I was done I changed into my clothes.

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I just chose something basic

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I just chose something basic. I didn't feel like wearing anything that was too much.

But maybe I should have changed into a much better outfit just incase there was a hot bad boy alpha in that school.. 

I looked for my bag and once I found it I checked if there was anything missing. I checked it and I'm sure everything is in here.

Now I was ready, I could finally eat breakfast and get out of here.

Oh wait, I forgot to introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Emilia. But you can call me Emi, since that's what most people call me and it's my online name. As you know, I'm being forced to go to a school by my mom because she wants me to go outside and talk to real people.. I don't think I can last a second there.

Also, did I tell you that I'm a hybird half wolf-angel-demon-dog-cat-fish-bunny-horse-elephant-giraffe-human-bird-galaxy-universe-unicorn-dragon? And that I have every single power and I'm so strong and overpowered even though I didn't do anything but stay online being an e-kitten? And that I sing so good that my voice is powerful and it could actually kill people?

Yeah.. I'm so different.. I'm not like other girls.. heh :))

Anyways I went downstairs to eat food. I haven't went anywhere else but my room for a long time.. so I'm kinda not used to having to go downstairs to eat instead of just having it served to me in my bedroom.

I continued to go and eat food. I ate like there was no tomorrow. I only usually ate a slice of bread and a glass of air, but now seeing all the food in the table just makes me want to eat everything, including the table. 

Once I was finished, I finally got up and picked my bag up with me. I walked to the front door and did what I thought I never would.

I walked out.

The sun was really bright and it's sunlight shined on my long lavender hair. My hair was flowing from the wind. And I also forgot to mention that I'm petite. So petite that the wind could just blow me away and I would fly to the sky. 

It was time for me to go to that school now.. ugh.

Heh.. It won't be that special.. right?



Yeah this was a really short one. It's only chapter one so I'll probably make the next few chapters longer.

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