Chapter 10 ~ Alpha's True Form

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I love Jake so so so so so so so so so much!!!!! I swear it's like ever since I met him, my life has become different!!!!

I love him, and his bad boy personality, and his mysterious blue eyes, and his 10'8 body, and his very very VERY hard abs!!

He is my protector and I feel safe around him 💕💕💕💕💕 We're going to be together forever 💖💖💖💖💖💖

"Hey kitten" he said. "You're MINE!!!" He growled (🛵🛵🛵👹👹👹👹)

"Hehehehehhehehe~~~~~~ Oh Jakey pie~~~ S-S-S-S-Stop itt 🥺🥺🥺🥺" I cutely replied..

"You are MY property. MY KITTEN. AND MY BITCH. Got it kitten?"

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-yes alpha....uwu"

"Good girl. Now lets watch anime...those animes."


I have to warn you guys...the animes me and Jake watch are pretty...freaky... heh.

I caught Astrea and Aster staring at us. I bet their jealous that me and Jake are in a happy relationship. Astrea will never have Jake back and Aster probably doesn't even have a love life 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪😘😘

I'm just so glad that I met this alpha bad boy <33

"What the hell are they up to this time?" Said Astrea.

"Their probably gonna skip class to watch hentai again. Gross."

I heard them! Hentai isn't gross!! They're mad at us for no's not fair 💔💔💔💔

"Do you really need to get back together with Jake?" Said Aster to Astrea. "What do you even see in him??"

"I already told you, he's not that bad. He was actually a good boyfriend." Replied Astrea.

"Yeah. A "good boyfriend" DEFINETLY throws rocks at people and bullies his girlfriend's brother behind her back."

"He bullied you???"

"Oh right...I never told you about the time he ripped my clothes off infront of the entire class. And the 29272973917292637152735 other stuff he did."

Oh yeah. I remember Jake telling me that story! Apparently after Jake did that the whole class laughed and Aster started crying. Astrea didn't know what happened at the time because she didn't go to school at that day. Her brother didn't tell her what happened because he was scared. He didn't want to ruin their relationship because he knew that she loved Jake too much.

Hahaha!!! Jake is such a comedian! Right guys??

So let's not talk about the twins anymore. This chapter is ALLLLLLL ABOUT JAKE!!!!!

(A few moments later)

It's been hours and we've just skipped the entire school day to watch anime. Best day ever! We should do this more often.

"Kitten, now that I've known you for a week and a half, I need to tell you other demons..."

"Y-your dark side..?"

"Yes kitten. My alpha wolf demon side."

The only thing I know about his inner demons is that they only come inside of him when his eyes turn red. What could the backstory to it possibly be?

"Kitten...I inherited these inner demons. Every generation they choose the new alpha in the wolf pack, and if you become the next alpha...these voices...they wont leave you. They'll haunt you forever."

"My father, Liam Moonlight also had these inner demons." He continued. "When he was my age he met a girl that he loved so much. So much that he hurt for her attention. He wanted to show her his power, what he was capable of. And it worked, because soon, they got engaged. Then they married each other and had me, and their second child who is my younger brother..."

"My brother was always terrified of my father. He hated how he treated my mom. He didn't want me to end up like him too. We would usually have arguements about it, and he soon grew to hate me. Before I knew it, I let out my "other side" to him. I did irepairable damage to him. I hurt him like how my dad hurt my mom. Which just proved that it was true. I was turning into my father, who I promised I wouldn't be like.

"I would let out my anger on people at school, especially to Aster...since he was the one who reminded me of my brother the most...but then he...he told my mom. She was furious. But my dad defended me and told her "I was just becoming a true alpha male". That was when my mom felt regret. She regretted ever forgiving him, she regretted marrying him and starting a family together. And she regretted believing in his lies. So she....she...."

"She what?"


[End of Chapter]

Hey guys 🥰🥰🥰😱😱😱😱😱 did you like the cliffhanger?!?!?!? 😍😍😍😍😍😍😻😻😻😻😻😻 hope you like the video 😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘 please like and subscribe for more 😱😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯👍👍👍👍👍 AND HIT THAT BELL FOR NOTFICATIONS 🔔🔔🔔🔔

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