Chapter 7 ~ Don't Mess With His Kitten

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Today is just my first week at this school, and a lot already happened!!

I'm just so different and quirky, the school would have probably been boring without me!! I carry the whole school uwu 🥰🥰

Anyway, I just got back from hanging out with Jake!!! It was a really fun time. He's just so mysterious.. and gives out extreme bad boy energy.. I was meant to be with him <33 Even though it's just been a few days since I met him I already know that. He's so perfect, I want to be his kitten uwu

Jake told me that I'm the only kitten in his life, and that he wouldn't replace me with any other girl :33 (A/N: he said this same exact sentence to 10 other girls before)

You don't know how much I love him. He's my world, my everything, my reason to go outside, and my reason to live. I could have never expected a 6'11 guy who is half wolf to change my life entirely like this. Ever since I first saw him, it was like..I finally had emotions, and I didn't need to pretend anymore! He was the one I was searching for my whole life! He's everything I need!! Other people would just call me insane when I say all this, but, this is just how I am. Maybe it's because I'm too quirky and different that they don't understand me.

If only there were more boys in the world who are like Jake..

I was busy thinking of scenarios of me and Jake when I heard my phone's ringtone. Who could possibly be the one calling me.. it better be...


I quickly called him back and spoke with my cute uwu voice: "Hi my bad boy alpha protector uwu :33"

"Hello, my kitten." He said with his deep attractive voice. (A/N: when Emi describes his voice as "deep" and "attractive", he actually sounds like this: 🛵🛵🛵🛵)

"You're just so cute, my cute little kitten." (🛵🛵)

"J-Jake!! Stop itt 🥺🥺🥺" I cutely say.

"I can't kitten, it's true. You're the most kawaii kitten I've ever seen."

I giggled cutely at him saying that. He does know how to make me blush!

"Oh Jake.. you're so romantic uwu" I say with my long lavender hair, beautiful green and violet orbs, and clear soft skin, even though Jake can't really see that through the screen.

"Baby...." He growled (👿👿👿🛵🛵🛵🛵) "If anyone hurts you like Astrea did..."

"...THEY DIE."

"J-J-J-J-Jake...." I stutter as I say his name. " really are my protector."

"Yes babygirl. You don't need to be afraid around me."

"I-I feel so safe around you alpha.." I tucked a part of my hair behind my ear as my orbs shine and I blush even more.

"I will always protect my kawaii little baka." Jake said. "Don't forget that I'm always gonna be your alpha protector."

Me and him continued to talk on the phone for what felt like a few minutes. I didn't realize that those minutes were actually hours because once I checked the time again, it was 3:00 a.m! Time really has passed!

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