Chapter 3 ~ The Bad Boy

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I saw him. The love of my life. My everything. My pookie bear. My alpha..

My.. protector.. uwu..

He stared at me and I stared back into his dark blue orbs. He was so hot, I wanted to be his kitten.. uwu!! :3 I could stare into those mysterious dark ocean blue eyes forever.. He's just so...!

As much as I didn't want it to end, he looked away, breaking the eye contact and going back to doing whatever he was doing.

But still, I continued staring at him, admiring his bad boy alphaness. He's so mysterious and such a lone wolf.. I'm already obsessed with him!! >_<

I kept staring for a while..

"Uhh Emilia? You've been staring at that same direction for 10 minutes now." Estelle spoke, which made me look away from him.

"Estelle, don't you think that guy over there looks soo attractive?" I said, while my beautiful orbs shines brightly that the entire room starts glowing.

"You mean Jake? Well yeah.. but.."

I knew it! He was the Jake that those girls were talking about!! Only a tall bad boy wolf like him would be an alpha!!!

"Could you.. tell me more about Jake.. please?? I need to be together with him.. uwu!! :3" I asked.

"Oh. So you like him? Wow, this is the 100276382028292th girl I met who does." Estelle said. "Okay, I can tell you everything I know about Jake!" We both went to sit on some empty seats then she started speaking again.

"Jake is like, the most popular guy in school. He has 29279183917392718378272 girls who have crushes on him. He's also really strong and can carry 1928192 warships at once. He's a bad boy and an alpha so nobody messes with him. And if his eyes turn red.. it's over for you.. not even running will make you escape.. oh and one last thing, be careful of his crazy fangirls.."

"If you want to talk to him, just go up to him and say something about e-kittens or anime. But don't say something like 'your ekitten is actually a 40-year-old man who catfished you and your waifu isn't a real person'. He starts agressively barking and doing weird stuff if someone says that."

"O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-okay." I respond, with my shy uwu catgirl voice.

timeskip after class


I-I-..I think it's time. The time I talk to Jake again. Uwu!! :33

When I saw him in one of the hallways again, I went up to him. He towered above me because he was like, 6'11 or something. And I was just small petite 3'7 uwu

"H-h-h-h-hey J-Jake.." I shyly said, with my long lavender hair, and beautiful sparkling orbs, and perfect soft clear skin, and my small petite body.

"It's you.. the girl that bumped into me awhile ago.." He said, and he tilted his head down to look and me and my petite self.

"Y-yeah. It's me!! :3"

"Why are you talking to me? The alpha. The lone wolf. The mysterious and misunderstood sad boy..." He spoke in a deep voice. Even though he tries hard to hide it, I could hear the sadness and pain in his voice.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I just wanted to ask you, a-are you.. looking for an e-kitten? uwu" I asked. "I need a tall strong alpha boy to protect me :3"

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