Chapter 2 ~ I LOVE HIM!!

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I walked inside the school building, looking like the emo unhygenic person I am..

H-heh.. these normies in here won't ever understand me.. :))

Since I don't know anything about this place or where to go, I don't know where to get my class schedule and the other stuff since I'm new here. And.. I'm too scared to ask anyone. I don't want to talk to anyone, even though that's the reason my mother forced me to be here..

My head was filled with more and more thoughts as I continued walking, and I didn't even realize I was about to bump into someone!

And before I tried to stop, I already hit my head on something that felt like a wall!!

"Ow.." I looked up, and saw that it wasn't a wall, but a person! A really tall one too...

"I-..I'm s..sorry.." I spoke with my soft high pitched voice that I usually used when talking to my e-boys.

I continued looking at the guy, and I FELT LIKE MY JAW WAS GONNA DROP TO THE FLOOR!!!

I continued looking at the guy, and I FELT LIKE MY JAW WAS GONNA DROP TO THE FLOOR!!!

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W-...what is this feeling!?

I feel so...different. More...full of this really..?

I can't believe it...I'm looking at the person that can possibly change my life!!! How did he do it!?!?!!? Why is this tall mysterious wolf guy making me feel this way?? It makes me💞💞💞💗💞💖💞💖💞💗💞💖💞

I can feel myself smiling and blushing!! I-I'M NOT EMOTIONLESS ANYMORE!!!! 😖😖😖🥰🥰🥰

He was a tall, handsome, wolf boy who looked like he had a 12-pack and that he was 6'11. When I saw him, I felt something I never felt before.. It was like.. the emptiness in my heart was filled..

Okay, I know.. I've only just seen this guy.. but.. he might be the one.

He didn't say or do anything, except he just stared at me. His deep mysterious blue eyes bore into my bright green and violet orbs. His orbs were like the ocean, the dark deep blue sea. I could stare into his eyes forever.

After a few minutes awkwardness and of us not saying anything, he finally spoke:

"You.. are the most kawaii kitten this lone wolf has ever seen.."

I never got butterflies in my stomach this fast.. d-d-d-did h-he j-j-just call me.. c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cute???????? 💞💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗

"I-I... r-really???? You..think so??????" I replied back, shyly.

"Of course I do, you cute little kitten."

I was blushing so hard from what he said that my entire face turned red. My whole body could have turned red too at that moment!!

I felt like I was about to scream. I never felt this much emotion in my life. Not even when one of my e-boyfriends gave me $118200000.

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