Chapter 12 ~ My Hidden Side

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Emilia's POV

Nobody knows singing is powerful.

Just with my singing I can have an effect on the entire world. If someone hears my singing voice then their ears will bleed and they will risk chances of death.

Heh, that's just how quirky I am!

Not just that, I have many more abilities and powers too. 

Just like:
Light manipulation
Water manipulation
Sound manipulation
Weather control
Alpha sigma
Ultimate rizz
Super sight
Super speed
Super smell
Super strength
Size manipulation
Air manipulation
Animal mimicry
Toilet manipulation
Fluent in brainrot language

This isn't all by the way.

Yeah...hehe...I'm not that strong uwu... 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I need someone to protect me so that I don't let out my hidden side. It's something like Jake's inner demons and it has something to do with how I used to be emotionless.

Even though I have them, I can't even use these powers. They're sealed in a family heirloom that was passed down to me. I think it's for the better, because I might accidentally be the cause for the end of the world...

Something about my "other side" is that, whenever I show that side to people, I act like an insane anime character...heh 💔💔💔🖤🖤🖤🖤⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀

I stop caring about others, I don't care what or who I hurt, only one person will matter to me and I will kill the person who activated my dark side...........

So that's why you don't mess with me, uwu >_<

Jake is the only one who can tame me and I'm the only one who can tame him. We're made for each other. I knew it when I first saw him.

Me being a princess

I don't think I remember this being mentioned in the story again after chapter one. But yes, I'm a princess and some people somehow forget that.

How did people forget? Am I really doing a bad job at being a princess? And should I tell everyone at school?

Maybe not, I shouldn't tell them. I won't say anything until they realize. I'll stay silent and I'll see how differently they treat me when they find out.

My family has been ruling for over 19279173817283618 years. We are one of the strongest families...I think. We're royals so we probably are. 

My great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother who was also a princess once used to be quirky, petite, and different like me. She met an alpha who was very very strong and she fell inlove. But the king and queen, her mother and father was against it because he was a hybird wolf. And there was a rule in the kingdom where wolves and humans couldn't be together. 

Once they have found out that she and the alpha have secretly been seeing each other, they were furious. They couldn't have a daughter who married an alpha wolf who didn't even take a bath. 

They had one thing to do...

kill him.

There was no other choice, they had to. If they didn't want the princess to be with him. They knew they were making the right decision, sending someone to kill the alpha wolf. 

But the next day... both the king and queen were killed. By the same person who they ordered to hunt the alpha. 

Some people believed that whoever it was was secretly working for the Vespertines, or they were a Vespertine themself, but whoever it was, they had been forgotten and their name had gotten lost in time. 

Since the king and queen were now dead, my great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother was finally able to marry the alpha. Once they did, they changed the rule where wolves and humans couldn't be together, and now anyone could be with anyone.

So if whoever the person was didn't kill my great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother's parents, then I wouldn't be able to date Jakey pie alpha cakes. So even if they're someone bad like one of the Vespertines, I wanna thank them.

Speaking of the Vespertines.....

I hate them. I hate them so much I will murder anyone I see who is one of them. They started it, THEY ARE THE PEOPLE WHO STARTED THE CURSE!!!! THE ALPHA CURSE AND THE EMOTIONLESS CURSE!!!!!!!!!

Starting the curses and stalking the people that have them for experiments, killing people they consider "more powerful" than them, creating inventions that are actually weapons but people are too dumb to realize that, I BLAME ALL MY LIFE PROBLEMS ON THEM!!!! THEY ARE THE REASON ME AND JAKEY ARE SUFFERING!!!!!!!!


So yeah...Vespertines did more bad stuff in history and the reason there's so many people banned from the kingdom.

Anyways, stay quirky guysss!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Emotionless Curse literally the knockoff of the Aishi Curse lmao 💀💀

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