Chapter 9 ~ "NO!!"

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I yawn as I wake up, but I yawn cutely and not like other girls. I sigh when I realize I have to go to school again.

"H-heh... those normies will never understand what I go through.. :))"

I go to my walk in closet with thousands of clothes because I'm literally a princess and I'm just different. As usual, I skip taking a shower. Even though I literally had many outfits that I could have possibly wore today, I picked the most quirkiest and kawaii baka one ever:

 Even though I literally had many outfits that I could have possibly wore today, I picked the most quirkiest and kawaii baka one ever:

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It's just soo cute right?? Jake will love it!

I brushed my 9'10 long lavender hair with my super quirky hairbrush. I was just so different and unique.. if only there were other people aside from Jake who's a misunderstood weeb like me 💔💔💔

I magically teleported to school before someone comes in the room and tells me to go and take a shower.


Another day in this quirky school, being my quirky self, and seeing these non quirky people in the hallway.

Where is Jake anyway?

"Hi Emi!" Estelle waved at me. I said hi back. I tried asking her where Jake is.

"U-u-u-u-u-u-u-umm... have you seen Jakey pie boo boo bear pookie cakes alpha anywhere?"

"No, why?"

"I need him to look at my kawaii outfit!! :3"

Estelle stared at my cat maid dress. "Yeah.. your dress really, really.. interesting!" She said trying to say something positive about it.

"I know right!! Uwu!!!"

I got some stares from some people. I guess they just realize how quirky I am.

"Anyways, I don't know where Jake is, but I heard that he's getting into a lot of fights recently. Maybe you can try checking some other hallways or some place outside of the school?" Estelle said.

"O-o-okayy, t-thanks! uwu >_<" I thanked her as I ran cutely like an anime girl.

I continued running until I found Jakey pie, punching Aster until he was unrecognizable and like there was no tomorrow.

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