¿¥øu Dīdⁿ't Ræl¡zé Hé Wåß Mï§ßīΠg?

22 0 0

He pulled up infront of a dark abandoned warehouse. Seemingly looking empty and ghosted of any living occupants. But he knew better.

It was just so no one would be suspicious and it would also be the best place to kidnap someone, Sam thought to himself.

Wasting no time, he hopped from out of the car, door closing in time behind him. A small path of shadowing trees that the moon shone on guiding a path for him. As he thought back on what led up to this moment.


He had gotten a call from an unknown number. He considered hanging up, but due to the job he was doing and the things that came following with it, that wasn't the best option. So he answered, pressing the phone to his ear and listened to a simple low static.

''Hello?'' He called out. Frowning when only the white noise sounded.

But then....

''...Sam...'' That voice.


''Castiel?!'' Concern drew upon his once irritated face. Questions of negativity roaming around his head. Where was Castiel? Was he okay? Why had he called? What was-

They seized as another voice took over answering his unasked questions, mostly. The sound of clothing ruffled a bit. And a low groan of cloth against mouth was in the background.

''Sam Winchester. Nice to hear from you.''

Silence followed and Sam waited with consuming anger and worry.

''Right, so straight to the point then.''

''Well, as you've guessed by now, we've got a little angel, Castiel, awaiting for you, which brings me to asking, haven't you realized he was missing?''

He went to answer, so many venomous thing wanting to spill form his already rolling tongue but he was stopped. Why hadn't he noticed the missing angel? He had left him in the library as he went to look about another case. Though he did not check if the man was still in the same spot, still reading that old dusty book once he'd returned.

''No matter that now though. So, listen carefully. As this is only being repeated once. An address will be sent to you, but as I am offering right now, which I think are fairly good options as I presume-''

''Just get to the point!'' That was unintentional and maybe a little unnecessary but the guy was taunting him. Like this was all some sick game, a joke. A hobby, for fun.

The man but chuckled at the outburst. ''Oh, you Winchesters. Ha! Sam, turn yourself in, unarmed, without Dean in return for your little star prized halo. But be quick about it. Patience isn't a trait of mine.''


He still remember the way his knuckles turned white as the address was yes indeed sent to him as was stated. On the drive, he'd tried calling for Dean, but he older hadn't at all picked up. And as soon as the location led him to a stop, signal was out. Which was oh so great by the way.

He tried to keep calm all the way but his face wouldn't budge, wouldn't stop hurting, anger so evident it spread, seriously- the audacity of these people.

Once he reached a clearing, seeing the half smiling moon right over the warehouses roof, glowing so bright the shadows around him came to life.

For a second he stopped and stiffened. Funny, he thought, he expected the ground to be more guarded, at the very least. This seemed a bit too easy. Too silent... Until...

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