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They were both huddled close, limbs tired and tangled, on top of wrinkled sheets. And before them was the TV playing a show, but neither bother to give it much attention. Too grateful enough to just be each other's arms and feeling nothing but safety and warmth.

Castiel looked up, seeing the dance of the television playing in Sam's hazel eyes. Until they reflected to him. The angel could do nothing but stare. Feeling his heart race, every time the Winchester looked at him like that. His hair fell over his eyes slightly and the light of the man-made electronic created shadows on his soft features.

And Castiel admired it. Every detail of the tips of his long brown hair to the pink of his lips. Once he called out to the angel, ''Cas,'' he still couldn't believe Sam was his, ''You alright?'' he didn't find the breath to answer and all Sam was met with was Castiel simply looking him. Sam finally smiled and came closer to press his lips to the other's forehead. Lips lingering for a bit before pulling away and glancing at the man in his arms again. ''Great, just... great,'' that's all he could tell the human. Sam simply nodded at the reply given and turned away to the TV again. Cas couldn't tell if his answer confused him or he understood at all. But he couldn't care.

Because nothing would be able to explain how he was feeling. And even if there was, those words would never be justice enough. But he decided to settle on one word, for the time being.

He suddenly became interrupted from his thoughts and tuned to see Sam fast asleep. Mouth slightly parted with little snores. Cas pressed two fingers to Sam's forehead, grace flowing easily to keep pesky nightmares at bay. He felt the tension leave the younger's body as he pulled back his hand to lift away the brunettes stray hairs, curling them lightly behind his ear.

Castiel smiled again thinking about it. It was short, containing only four letters of only two vowels and two consonants. He's heard it on the television many times when two lost souls have finally found their match. When it came to Sam and him, he didn't think their souls were lost and were hoping to find the other. He always thought they were already found, already together. So, yes, that one was love. Not enough. It wasn't enough. But it would have to do and Cas wasn't gonna argue. He knew it was love. It was love all along. Cas loved Sam. And there and then it felt enough...

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