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Here in a motel room where only 1 of the 2 brothers are present, Castiel stands in the corner of the room, a shadow watching over Sam Winchester. That is until he catches movement of the unconscious male and inches to press two fingers at his forehead in an intention to calm the human and Cas is left to wonder...


He lands as silently as ever once he knew where the Winchesters were occupying. Eyes scanning his surroundings realizing it was another run down room with the usual beds and another small furniture to the room. And he was glad to see that the older of the two was well in deep slumber so as to not tolerate his quarrels as he does once he drops by to check them over.

He takes a step closer to the beds, hands within the small pockets of his trenchcoat and stops, feeling the little breeze that passed from the ajar window of the motel room. A movement from the bed catches his eyes and his attention is drawn to Sam. His back was turned to the angel facing his brother but Cas caught the movement right away.

It wasn't much to concern the angel, but he himself was found pondering on the topic nevertheless. Sam seemed to always have this habit to shift in his sleep. And the angel hadn't been paying attention enough, something about that bothered him, until the bags under the young mans eyes could no longer be kept out of sight.

It was just that morning Dean had been bantering back and forth with his brother about princesses needing there beauty sleep while Cas had been staying still to listen and try and interpret their words and expressions. Failing miserably but still understanding that the main point was that Dean was concerned for his brother and his sleeping habits. That's when he realized how much more that he been popping in that just before he was gone Sam did an involuntary shift that Cas dismissed as maybe he was just trying to get comfortable.

But now, Cas found he wished he had known sooner. Should have seen the drowsy and worried signs, but he still wasn't quick to pick up on these simple and new expressions. But he was learning and hoped to get better at it before he has to actually stop something serious before taking too long to find out because he had bad social skills.

He crossed the space between the two beds of Sam and Dean and looked down at the frowning man. Something in him wanted to reach out and move away the strand of hair away from the mans perspiring body. But he took a different route and instead took a hand to press two fingers to Sam's forehead. Grace flowing from within his very fingertips brushing against the boys bangs as his grace slipped through. And slowly the frown of the man died away and the dripping sweat was cooled from his body. Only to reveal a much calmer tone of the Sam winchester he knew.

Or did he?

Cas knew now what he didn't. Sam was having nightmares. That he had kept to himself from his own brother for so long that Cas didn't know what for. But Sam was known to not be as extroverted but he saw the toll it took on the younger. Sam never asked for much but this he could've ask of the angel and he wouldn't mind. Infact, he would greatly enjoy to be of service to the Winchester. If only he asked. But Sam doesn't and that's what bothers him. Sam never asks for help, an unhealthy habit of independence to him seizing to die away unless it came to Dean.

Brushing away those thoughts he realized that his hands moved on there own accord to move away the man's stray hair.

He smiled down at the little creature he hoped to one day lie in his wings. Free of the worries from this plane. Bringing him to a sweet heaven the Winchester could only dream of. If Sam would agree of this.

And ofcourse, Cas is left to ponder with these thoughts of Sam Winchester.

But he thinks 'it's Sam' and that's enough for him as he leaves the room that held the two men.

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