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3 times in which Castiel is surprised by the small things that make him feel special in his relationship with Sam and the 1 time that he returns the favour for his Winchester...

1. Happier

Castiel was sitting at the kitchen table, staring at a cup of hot coffee that Sam had made for him. The morning was bright and merry and Cas had just been back from a meadow, that him and Sam always go to, counting bees and making flower crowns. He was lost in thought, wondering how he had ended up in this strange and wonderful relationship with this human.

Sam noticed his gaze and smiled. "Hey, Cas? You okay?" He asked taking a sip from his hot cream cup.

Castiel looked up, feeling a little embarrassed. "Yes, I'm fine. Just thinking."

Sam nodded and sat down beside him. "You know, I made your coffee just the way you like it. Two sugars, no cream."

Castiel's eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know?"

Sam grinned. "I pay attention, Cas. I want to make you happy."

Castiel felt a warmth spread through his chest. He didn't have to wonder anymore, Sam Winchester was just that special of a human, his human being. "You do make me happy, Sam. In so many ways more than one."

2. I brought you flowers

Castiel was walking through the bunker, wondering where the youngest of the Winchester's had been. He had awoken to an empty bed that morning. Thought nothing of it at first but realized a couple hours later that Sam was not back.

So he headed to the library for the third time that day only to find Dean with his feet held on top of the table. ''Have you seen Sam, Dean?'' The Winchester replied with something the angel couldn't quite understand but found it better to not interpret as it would be of no use and his only priority was to find his lover.

He figured Sam would be back soon and went up to their shared bedroom, deciding to wait for him there and find something else to occupy his mind. Not that it was a bother to have Sam on his mind all the time. And before he knew it Sam was walking through the door with-

''Flowers?'' Cas asked curiously with his head tilted as he took the colourful bunch with delicacy as Sam handed him them. The Winchester seemingly nervous scratched at his neck as he made for a reply, ''Well, yes- Cas- I mean, you don't have to take them if you don't like them- I just didn't know which one to get you-''

''Sam,'' the angel interupted his babbling human, ''I love all of them, all of them. Thank you.''

Sam simply nodded smiling widely at his angel...

3. If I Could Fly...

Castiel was sitting at the kitchen table, staring at a small gift box that Sam had given him. Slowly pulling at the neatly tied ribbon and lifting the cover of the little box, Sam patiently waiting for the reveal, inside, he found a beautiful silver necklace with a small angel wing pendant.

"Sam, this is beautiful. But why?"

Sam smiled. "I wanted to give you something to remind you of me, of us. You're always there for me, Cas. I want to be there for you too."

Castiel felt a lump form in his throat. "You are always there for me, Sam. Never forget that...''

+1. Smile

Cas rushed around the room, picking up a table cloth, food basket and camera. He learned how to use one with the help of Sam though Dean always had his constant teasing around the two.

He was planning a picnic, but forgot the mere fact that Sam had been out on a run and would be back soon and he hadn't had the time to put the stuff away before the man came back. Luckily he had Dean's help to put them in an extra room that no one really used.

So when the time came, day having give way to night, Sam was surprised to find himself blindfolded, with the only knowledge that they in their favourite part of the meadow and he could trust Castiel with anything. But really, losing one of senses was not the best thing for a hunter.

As Cas slowly removed the cloth from Sam's hazel eyes, he could hear the little gasp as Sam saw the candles, flowers and basket and- God really he was taken aback not at all expecting this. Cas had turned to look at him as Sam had just been standing and staring not saying a word. But as Cas saw his expression he smiled to see that Sam was only in shock and awe at the wonderful picnic Cas sorted out. Really... he was speechless...

Out of nowhere the angel felt two strong arms wrap tightly around him, knocking the air out of him, but nevertheless he returned the gesture, letting Sam take his time. ''Thank you Cas, this is amazing. I really have no idea what to say...''

''It was nothing, Sam. I just thought you deserved this.'' They pulled away but still held each other close. And Cas leant up close to press a kiss to Sam's lips. ''Just hope that Dean didn't take a slice of the pie.'' And they laughed happily together...

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