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In which Sam calls out for his once and only angel he simply gets dragged into dancing with his silly human.

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His feet were practically moving in on there own in an intent to get to Sam's room as quick as possible.

The Winchester had called, -cried out really- for Castiel to hurry to his room and shit he wished he still had his grace as he hastily bended a corner quickly yanking the knob open of Sam's well organized room and... What?

Cas slows his uneven breathing, heart slowing it's frantic thumping pace and he looks at his very healthy and unharmed human. As Sam turns to look at him with a soft and small smile, Cas catches himself tilting his head a little giving the man a narrowed and confused expression. He checked the room, giving it a one over, but everything was alright and in place.

"What's the issue, Sam?'' The taller shook his head, smile wide. ''Nothing,'' but this only got the angel even more lost.

''Sam- then why-'' he was cut off as Sam seemed to turn up a small box playing a little slow song. None of this making any sense as it only confused the once angel more rather than giving out answers. Sam had then went to take the his angels (with or without his grace, he was still the younger Winchester's angel) hand, and spun him around a little before pulling him close, hand holding his waist the other intertwined with his. Castiel only partially seeing this before in movies, curiously placed a hand on Sam's broad shoulder.

Slowly as Sam takes the lead they do a small slow dance. Due to his lack of knowledge in how to do these things the angel got embarrassed every time he accidentally steps on the taller's foot. Causing the slim yet tall man to lightly laugh but never stopped dancing nor to correct the shorter. He liked it this way, uncoordinated and hella sloppy, but he saw how happy it made Cas so he didn't stop that smiling angel. Moments passed and Cas felt he had gotten the hang of things. Mostly, he thought. Time and the song seemed to slow as Sam placed his forehead atop the other's.

Closing his hazel eyes. Castiel coping him. He smiled to himself knowing Sam was his he was Sam's. This was them.

This is us, he thought and as he felt the others contact stray from him slightly, lips touching his he didn't think he could be any more happier as he kissed back and they never stopped swaying to the music. Sam's large hands held at Castiel's waist, Castiel's own found wrapped and tangled in his already mussy hair. They kissed and Cas kept smiling all the while... and if Dean had just been passing by like any normal civilian to see the sight of them smiling like love sick idiots and swaying to love sick music, he didn't say anything and they didn't need to know that he was really happy for his brother and best friend. And he'd chuckle to himself and walk off smiling softly to himself of the love sick birds.

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