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---They were just up with a quick hunt and were heading back to the motel they were staying at. It would be more accurate to say that Dean had kicked them out of the impala as soon as they reached. Just to ditch them for a, "quick trip". And it was just up to Sam and Cas to assume what he meant by that. By the time Dean went racing down the road, dangerously, heavy rain started down on them. And the angel found himself being pulled by Sam into the building. The Winchester was already heaving as they entered while the angel didn't even break a sweat. He found himself taking note of the way the others warm hand was still pressed against him.

This was something that both the brothers would do. Whether to feel safe or to take in the fact that the other was safe with them. Contact was just there and it wasn't really rare but it came by in many ways as love, safety or even conflict. So Cas didn't let it bother him too much.

Sam led the way up to their room, both were already drenched by the seizing and pounding rain. A few lightning's cutting through the dark.

Castiel knew he could've easily used his grace to travel up to the room, dry them clean within a flick of the wrist. But he seemed to like the alternative better and didn't protest. Once settled, he watched stiffly as Sam rushed around the room for... Something. He knew he found it when Sam's face lit up and once again took ahold of Cas and led them to the bathroom. Sam patted the countertop and Cas had understood what he was doing as he sat atop it. Instantly his view was covered by a large towel and his head moving with the motion of Sam drying it. Sam ruffled up his hair more before removing the towel and looking at his work. Just more of Castiel's hair being stood on end, really.

The angel felt something odd in his stomach as he looked at Sam's expression. And he waited under the Winchester's open stare. ''Your... cute, Cas..." He stared as a warm odd feeling grew. Would he call it love? No. Love felt too infinite. Was this what it was? When he first held Sam's hand in his? The angel doesn't know and doesn't like the feeling of uncertainty. His expression turned to one of confusion.

And he heard Sam chuckle nervously and apologising. He had not meant to say it. Blue eyes had then said, "I-um, I find you to be quite fascinating too, Sam" And he smiled up at him as Sam did.

And within that moment was the first and unspoken 'I love you'.

Neither needed to grasp the full meaning of the three words, yet one had said it with their own meaning. To them, it felt right, to love the other. Little had they known of how much more they'd mean in years to come.

2. Stargazing

--Sam took a short swig from the half full bottle as he leaned on the impala gazing upward with a hand behind his head. As his lips parted from the round glass he placed the bottle beside him and had the other hand underneath his head too.

They were parked just outside a motel and Dean had left him to go sleep early. It was odd that they didn't do any hunt for the day and just did a few things since daylight. But they were ready for an up coming hunt the next day. A long drive from where they currently were but still needed to attend to.

He began to mindlessly twist his feet from left to right. And reached up to connect a few dots in the star litted sky. Sam smiled when the moon finally shone its face and peeked out from a few dark clouds that had been blocking it from view for a while. Taking another drink he sighed.

A flutter was heard next to him after he put down the almost empty bottle. He turned his head within his palms to see no other than the angel himself.

It was the most relaxed the Winchester had ever seem him. Albeit a little awkward as he was coping Sam but his hand held stiffly at his side as he looked upward. Searching the sky for something Sam didn't know about. But he hoped to soon find.

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