B!uë mëëts Hazë!

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After a quarrel with Dean, Castiel finds himself at a bridge, Sam finds him.

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Castiel stood at the edge of the bridge, staring out at the water below. The wind picked up and blew against his tan coat. Cas sighed. He had just had an argument with Dean, and he was feeling confused and so out of place. Was he ever gonna understand the concepts and ways of these humans? And if so, when? He didn't know how to reconcile their differences, and he was starting to wonder if he even belonged in the Winchester's lives anymore. How would Dean feel about these thoughts, would he care if the angel felt lost? Better yet, would Sam ever-

As he stood and thought there, he heard a voice behind him.

"Hey, Cas. What are you doing out here?"

Castiel turned to see Sam Winchester approaching him, a look of concern on his face as he stood a close proximity with his hands in his jeans. A habit, Cas noticed, the younger Winchester always did.

"Just thinking, Sam," Castiel said, trying to sound as casual as possible. Not wanting for the human to worry about his insignificant troubles.

Sam nodded and came to stand beside him. "About Dean?"

Castiel sighed. He might as well just say it... "Yes. We had a fight. I don't know how to fix it."

Sam put a hand on his shoulder, smiling down at him. "You two will work it out. You always do."

Castiel looked at him, feeling a surge of gratitude and hope. "Thanks, Sam. Just... talking to you makes me feel better."

Sam smiled and looked away, his cheeks flushing slightly. Castiel didn't notice, too caught up in his own thoughts. Or maybe really, he didn't know how to pinpoint these human emotions.

But as they stood there in silence, Sam couldn't help but steal glances at the angel beside him. He had always hold a secret crush on Castiel, and being this close to him was making his heart race. A bit more than usual and he really couldn't interpret why.

Castiel, oblivious to Sam's feelings, continued to stare out at the water, lost in thought.

After a few minutes, Castiel spoke up again. "Sam, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Cas."

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Sam looked at him, surprised. "Uh, well...I don't know. I've never really thought about it." He replied honestly.

Castiel nodded, looking back out at the water. "I think I might believe in it now."

Sam's heart skipped a beat as he realized what Castiel might be implying. But he tried to hope too much, in case he'd be in utter disappointment. "Oh?" he said, trying to sound not as nervous. But started to fidget anyway.

Castiel turned to him, his eyes locked on Sam's. "Yes. I think I might be falling for you, Sam."

Sam's face went red as he processed Castiel's words. He had never expected the angel to feel the same way. "Cas...I...I feel the same way."

Castiel's face lit up with a smile, and he reached out, taking Sam's hand in his. "I'm glad, Sam. I'm so glad."

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