Chapter Five

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I dangle my legs into the water, the smell of chlorine fills my nose and Gojo's irritated voice fills the area.

"Oh don't be stupid, it's much safer to just take her back to the school," he snaps into his phone, I don't here Yaga's reply but I doubt he appreciates being called stupid.

At the moment, we're at Renchoku Girl's Junior School's pool, Riko is currently here with me, Gojo, Geto and Kuroi. She's waiting for us to let her go to her classes and she's pouting as though she's a young child not getting her way. Geto has a few of his curses surveying the school and making sure it's safe and I have a few cursed dagger formed that are circling the school, they'll sense if anyone with strong cursed energy enters.

I agree with Gojo that this is dangerous and that we should just take Riko back to the school, the Star Religious Group could still be trying to kill her and they could try and attack her while she's at school.

Suddenly, Gojo frowns and looks down at his phone and scoffs, "He hung up on me! But he said that's it's Master Tengen's orders that we fill out any of Riko's requests before we take her back to the school."

Riko practically squeals in joy, "And I request that you let me go to my lessons!"

I continue to swing my legs back and forth through the water, I've rolled up my school uniform trousers so that they don't get wet.

Geto gives Riko with calm and reassuring smile, "You can go, just wait a moment."

I frown slightly as I look at Riko, "are you really sure that you want to spend your last day alive at school?"

Although she grins and nods, I don't notice the flicker of sadness in her eyes as I mention it being her last day, "I'm sure!"

I notice Gojo rolling his eyes and grumbling to Geto, "I hate that we have to be all soft on her."

"Don't be like that Satoru, she won't be able to see family and friends after this merger, at least let her say her goodbyes, "Part of our mission is to let her enjoy herself," Geto replies, quiet enough that Riko, who is wandering away from the pool while she waits for us to tell her she can go, doesn't hear him.

Gojo looks down, feeling guilty but also still annoyed and now sulking.

Kuroi then speaks up, also quietly, "Miss Riko doesn't have any relatives left, they died when she was four in a car accident, so please let her say goodbye to her friends."

"So that makes you her family then," Geto smiles at Kuroi.

"Yes, I'm all she has," Kuroi sounds upset, I realise that it's not easy for her to do all of this knowing that the end result is Riko's death.

Geto looks over at Riko, "Riko! Come here a second."

Riko hurries back over, she still seems a bit sulky that we aren't letting her go to class yet.

"You can go to your class now," Geto smiles warmly at her.

"Finally! Thank you, I'm going-" she turns to go to class but Geto interrupts her.

"Wait a second, Y/N is going to go with you though."

"What?!" me and Riko both exclaim at the same time.

I look up at Geto from where I'm sat, "Why?"

"If anyone attacks Riko you'll be able to protect her but Riko can make up some lie about you and you'll be able to sit through the lessons as a student. You can pass as fourteen."

Gojo laughs slightly at this comment.

"Fine, okay, I'll go."

I stand up, water drips from my legs but I roll my trouser legs back down anyway and slip my shoes back on. Riko seems slightly annoyed that I'm coming with her but she seems more relieved that she's even allowed to go.

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