Chapter Thirteen

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19th August 2008

It's way too hot out here.

Gojo has dragged us to a carnival, he thought it would fun for Megumi and Tsumiki. I don't think that's the whole reason he wanted to come though. Today, it's been a year since Suguru left. A whole year.

I think Gojo wants to be distracted from this. I can't blame him, if Gojo hadn't dragged me out I probably would have spent the day locked away in my room. It's been a full year now. There's no way Suguru is coming back to us now. We've graduated from Jujutsu High. We're not students anymore. But the graduation didn't even feel right without Geto there.

Shoko is beginning her exams in September so that she can become a doctor. Her smoking addiction has gotten worse lately. Pretty ironic that a future doctor smokes.

I've moved into the apartment, I can't stay at the dorm rooms anymore and at the moment, Gojo and I are focused on raising Megumi and Tsumiki. Megumi is still grumpy all of the time and shouts at Gojo a lot, he seems to get less angry towards me though. I think I annoy him less than Gojo does. But he still gives me a ton of attitude.

Tsumiki's still an angel and super sweet, Megumi's taken to being rather rude towards her though.

"I don't want to be here," Megumi whines.

"Well guess what Gumi? I don't care," Gojo grins down at him before turning to Tsumiki, "What ride did you want to go on Miki?"

"The Ferris wheel!" she hurries forwards and towards the large ride.

"That's so boring," Megumi complains.

"Cheer up a bit, you don't have to be in a grump all of the time," I say to Megumi with a teasing smile as we walk over towards the Ferris wheel.

We clamber into one of the compartments on the Ferris wheel and as it rotates, Tsumiki looks in wonder, Megumi smiles slightly as he looks out. I knew they'd both enjoy this really.


We've been here for a few hours and everyone seems happy. At the moment, we're walking around with toffee apples that, unsurprisingly, were Gojo's idea to get. Megumi and Tsumiki have rushed ahead, we gave them some money and told them to try and win something on the games.

Suddenly, Gojo stops walking and he drops his toffee apple. It crushes against the floor and the solid toffee shatters, "Satoru, you good?"

He doesn't respond and continues to look forwards, when I look to see what he's staring at, the only thing I see is a large crowd of people. Then, before I can react, he hurries off into the crowd, shoving past everyone there and disappears from my sight. What the hell?

I'm planning on following him but I don't want to leave the kids unsupervised, even though everything here seems safe. If anything happened to them, I'd never be able to forgive myself.

"Satoru!" I yell into the crowd, a few people turn my direction when they here me shouting but don't pay much mind to it. There's no response and I still can't see any sign of Gojo or why he walked away without any explanation. After standing there for a few minutes, I head back over to Megumi and Tsumiki.

Tsumiki looks up at me before looking around, "Where's Gojo?"

"Who cares?" Megumi mutters under his breath.

"I thought you liked Gojo now," I raise my eyebrows at him, although Megumi is still rude to me and Gojo (mainly Gojo), he doesn't seem to mind us looking after him anymore. At least, if he does, he doesn't throw a tantrum about it every time he sees us like he used to.

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