Chapter Sixteen

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"Just wait out here a sec okay?" I say to Yuta as I reach for the classroom door, "We'll call you in in a second."

He nods and looks awkwardly around the corridor, he's fiddling with the swirl button on his new school jacket nervously. Unlike the other first years', Yuta's jacket is white rather than black.

I slip into the classroom and smile at the first years. Panda gives me a wave, Toge's mouth is covered but I think he smiles slightly and Maki just glares at me. No different than usual.

I wander over to Gojo's side, he's stood at the front of the classroom and seems to be attempting to build up the students' enthusiasm towards Yuta joining the school, "Come on guys! I promise you'll like him!"

I raise my eyebrows but I just nod, "Can you guys at least give Yuta a chance?"

Maki glowers at me, "Didn't he like attempt to murder a bunch of other kids at his old school? I'm not being nice to him."

"It's not like that's a change anyway Maki, you're not nice to anyone."

She rolls her eyes at me and rests her chin on her hand as she leans against the desk and crosses her legs. It's no surprise really, I knew we wouldn't be able to convince Maki to agree with us.

Panda joins in, "Who is this guys exactly anyway?"

Gojo gives Panda a grin, "You're about to meet him! He's right outside! You guys are gonna love him!"

Toge shakes his head in an annoyed way and mutters some nonsense underneath his breath and Maki just rolls her eyes again and huffs, "Whatever."

I give Gojo a wary look. This first meeting probably isn't going to go well and I really don't want Yuta's spirit to immediately be crushed again, he's only just got some of his hope back. Gojo just gives me a reassuring nod, as if he knows exactly what I'm thinking.

"Just please be nice to him," I mutter to the first years, they just groan and shrug.

"Yutaaa!" Gojo calls out, "Come inside!2"

After a moment, Yuta slowly creaks the door open and anxiously walks over to me and Gojo at the front of the classroom, the cursed energy in the room immediately shifts. I can tell based on their expressions that the students have sensed this too.

"Um, I'm Yuta Okkotsu," Yuta quietly introduces himself, he's sweating a lot and I can tell it's taken a lot of preparation just for him to say those three words. My heart goes out to this kid. "Nice to meet you."

Within a second, Maki has unzipped her cursed spear from it's bag and has stabbed it through the board, right next to Yuta's head. The other two first years have also leapt out of their seats, knocking over their desks in the process, and have their defences up. Toge has pulled his scarf away from his mouth and Panda has his hands balled up into fists.

I let out a sigh, however Gojo looks somewhat entertained.

Yuta lets out a startled noise and nervously look at the blade that's only inches away from his head before looking at Maki who continues to glare at him.

Maki then directs her sharp look towards me and Gojo, "This is some sort of joke right?"

Before we can reply, she turns back to Yuta, "What are you doing here? You know you're cursed right?"

I can tell that Yuta's breathing unsteadily and he doesn't quite seem able to form any words to reply with right now.

I step forwards with a concerned look, "Guys come o-"

Maki interrupts me, acting as if I hadn't even spoken, "This is a place to learn about curses. Not a place for people who are cursed!" The other two nod in agreement, still looking prepared for a fight and Yuta's anxiety just seems to grow as well as his confusion.

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