Chapter Eight

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"Satoru?!" I hurry over to Gojo's side, despite the throbbing pain in my stomach and wrists, "Satoru?!"

Gojo sits up sharply, gasping and struggling to get in a full breath of air, he's still drenched in his own blood and his wounds are still there but I notice that the stab wound on his forehead is closing up. How? Did he figure out how to use reverse cursed technique to heal?

I kneel down beside him, completely unsure of what to do as he clutches his bleeding throat and manages to desperately take a few deep breaths of air. His eyes are wide and slightly panicked but the pain isn't there as prominently as before.

I can see that his wounds are pulling themselves back together and they aren't bleeding anywhere near as heavily as before. After a minute or two, Gojo's breathing becomes less strained and desperate and he looks at me with relief in his eyes.

"Satoru," I pull him into a tight hug, not caring that my wound screams in protest as I move it, "Thank God!"

Gojo seems dazed and confused but slowly hugs me back, he remains silent, I'm assuming that he's still too shocked to speak right now or confused. He's still soaked in his own blood and I grimace as I realise that.

"Are you okay?" I ask, my voice cracking slightly as relived tears fall slowly from my eyes.

He tries to give me a cocky grin but it falters slightly and his voice sounds strained, "Never been better."

I stop hugging him and he stands up, still shaking slightly, I'm a bit concerned by the crazy smile on his face and the odd glint in his eyes. Has he fried his brain?

His eyes snap down to where there's blood seeping from my stomach and my wrists, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, mostly, besides, I'm not to one who just died!" he flinches slightly as I mention this, I'd guess that this experience will probably stay with him for the rest of his life. If he notices the bright red circles around my eyes from where I've been sobbing, he doesn't mention it.

Gojo shrugs, he still has a mad glint in his eyes and I'm starting to worry slightly, "Where is that guy? And who was he?"

"He's-" my eyes widen, in my relief of Gojo living, I momentarily forgot about the others. I scramble to my feet, wincing in pain, "We need to go inside! I don't know what happened to everyone else but he went inside after them!"

I hurry inside the school, staggering slightly and Gojo follows after me, he's looking more dazed by the moment and doesn't seem completely stable on his feet yet, "And that guy said his name was Toji Fushiguro."

Gojo frowns slightly, "You reckon that was Toji Zen'in?"

"The guy who left the Zen'in Clan?" I question as we hurry through the underground part of the school, so far there's no sign of anyone else, "Maybe."

Eventually we reach the end of the narrow hallway and when we go through the archway, the first thing I notice is the mass destruction, the second thing I notice is the blood.

My heart rate quickens along with my breathing. There's no sign of anyone being down here, everyone must have left. There's a splatter of blood in front of me on the floor and further to the left there's a larger pool of blood.

I turn to look back at Gojo with panicked eyes but he still looks incredibly confused and maybe even slightly delirious. "We need to find out what happened to everyone."

With a trembling hand, I pull my phone from my pocket even though this causes intense pain in my wrist, and flip it open, it's coated in sticky and warm blood and I shudder slightly, I go onto my contacts and click first on Geto's name but he doesn't answer and the ringing echoes through the area.

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