"First Date"

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Taylor swift x male reader

You waited for Taylor almost 32 minutes, you wore your best suit for her tonight with a bouquet in hand sitting in your chosen restaurant waiting for her to arrive.

Taylor starts walking over to you. She's wearing an elegant blue dress, Her hair is up in a high bun, exposing her face. She has a soft smile on her face, as she's looking down at the floor. She seems a little nervous, but she's trying not to show it.

"Hi.." She says softly, still looking down. You notice that she's holding onto her purse, as if she's trying to keep something safe in there.

"Hi!" You approach her and gave her a hug and peck on the cheek, you pulled a chair for her to sit down.

Taylor sits down, smiling gratefully at you. She places her purse down beside her, keeping an eye on it the entire time. She blushes a little as you peck her cheek, but she doesn't seem to mind it.

"Thank you.." She says softly, still looking down. Her voice is slightly quiet, and she seems a little shy still.

"You're welcome, you want to order food?" You asked her before signaling the waiter to come forth.

"Yes, that would be wonderful." She says softly, still looking down. She seems a little distracted, like she's thinking about something else. She puts her hands together on the table, as she waits for the waiter.

The waiter comes over and you both place your order. You notice that Taylor is looking around the restaurant a lot, like she's paranoid about something.

'You, okay?" You said concerned about her current behavior.

"Oh, yes.. I'm fine." She says quickly, but she's not really looking at you as she's talking. She's still looking around a lot as the waiter walks away from the table, and she seems slightly distracted.

"I'm just a little nervous, that's all." She says softly.

You smiled at her "Don't be worried everything things fine" You said before grabbing the bouquet of flowers that was in the other chair and gave it to her.

"for you"

Taylor takes the bouquet of flowers, and smiles softly at you as you hand it to her. She looks a little bit surprised by your gesture, but she seems happy about it as well. She holds the flowers close to her.

"Thank you.. They're beautiful." She says softly.

A little bit later, you're both sitting across the table from each other, eating your dinners. You notice that Taylor is looking at her food a lot, and not at you. After a few seconds, she looks slowly up at you, smiling a little bit.

"This food is really good.." She says softly. The food looks delicious, and it's making your mouth water just thinking about it.

"Have you ever tried this restaurant before?" She asks you softly.

"Actually, I own this restaurant..." You said unbothered by her reaction.

Taylor looks genuinely surprised as you say this. She seems really shocked for a moment, but then she smiles. She puts down her fork and knife on the table, and looks up at you.

"You're the owner of this restaurant.." She asks you softly, as she looks up at you.

"yes" you said

"Oh.." She says, taking a second to process this information. She seems surprised still, but also interested. You can see her mind racing a little bit, but she's not sure what to say about it.

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