"silent treatment"

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You and your wife Taylor Alison Swift planned to have a dinner date, tonight. but it change when she came home late and you started to feel angry and doesn't want to say a word to her

taylor enters the house and places her shoes off, she goes up stairs and leans against the door frame in your private library she gave you as a wedding gift, smiling, totally forgetting about you anniversary.

"i’m home, baby girl.." she speaks with a smirk

You continued to read your favorite night book, giving her absolutely no response causing her to roll her eyes. "What did I do now" she thought to herself.

"So you’re going to give me the silent treatment huh, princess?" Taylor moved closer, wrapping her arms around your waist

"If I make love with you right here right now, would you going to continue giving me the silent treatment?" She asks, her smirk not leaving her face, her hands now on your ass.

You pulled away, and walked up to your shared bedroom, she follows behind you, she pouted a little, once she’s inside, she locks the door behind her. she then walks over to you and wraps her arms around you

"are you not going to speak to me at all?" her voice is soft, as she buries her face in your hair. you could feel her body heat.

You walked to your closet and grabbed a blanket and pillow, she noticed you grabbing the blanket, she’s a little confused as to why you’re taking that. she raises an eyebrow and follows you once agai

"baby girl i don’t understand what are you doing.. do you plan on sleeping somewhere else?"

You gave her a look and angrily shoved the blanket and pillow to her.

Taylor caught the blanket and pillow, still quite confused she asked again

"what are these for?" She had no reason to get upset to be honest so she wasn’t really mad at you. she’s just extremely confused as to why her girlfriend is acting this way.

You pushed her until she's outside, after you pushed her out and slammed the door shut she realized that you were kicking her out of the room, and that she’d most likely have to sleep on the couch.

She was upset about the whole thing, and she couldn’t really do anything about it. she stood up and took a couple steps back, she sat on the couch and crossed her arm.

She sits there, thinking about how this whole argument happened while also thinking about how she hates the couch.

She’d try her best to get comfortable on the couch, but it doesn’t really work out for her. she was now in a pretty bad mood and she hoped you’d be there in the morning, to hopefully fix everything

"What did I do to make her angry with me?"Taylor thought.

She’d continue to think about what might have caused this argument. she wasn’t sure if she herself was the cause of the argument or if you were the one who started it.

She couldn’t really remember what happened during that day that might’ve caused you to give her the silent treatment and have her sleep on the couch.

Her mind was all over the place and she couldn’t figure out what made you angry. all she knew was that you were upset and now she’s laying on the couch. it sucks for her.

"wait, what date is today?" Taylor thought, she stopped for a moment and thought about what the date was.

Sudden burst of memory she stood up.

"oh.. shit! i forgot that today was our anniversary. oh no shit, shit, shit. i forgot and now were fighting… why didn’t i remember.."

She then got off the couch and ran to your room door, she knocked a couple of times, she hoped and prayed that you’d answer the door, if not this would make the whole situation worse.. as she waited for an answer she also thought about what she could do or say to make this better.

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