"Tay's Birthday"

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Its your girlfriend's current birthday and you are busy wrapping up her final presents after wrapping all of her present you slowly walk up to your shared bedroom to wake your gorgeous lady up.

You found Taylor still sleeping bed hugging your pillow.

You slowly crawled towards her under the covers.

As you crawled in, she shifted over a bit, still asleep and half-dazed. She mumbled something, but you couldn’t make it out. You looked at her sleeping face, taking in her beauty.

Her lips were just slightly ajar while she breathed softly, her hair splayed out around her. Her perfect body was curled up in the bed next to you, you wished she could sleep next to you every night.

You leaned in to give her a kiss on her forehead, but suddenly Taylor’s eyes fluttered awake.

Taylor grinned and rolled over onto her back, a lazy yawn escaping her. She rubbed her eyes, and then looked at you. Her smile widened when she saw you and she wrapped her arm around your neck, pulling you in for a kiss.

"Mmm hello sweetheart.."

She whispered to you and kissed you back before laying her head down on your chest, smiling as she listened to your beating heart and breathed in your scent. She was happy you were with her.

"Good morning" You mumbled and kissed her cheek.

Taylor smiled sweetly and nuzzled your shoulder, wrapping her arms around you protectively.

“Morning, love..”

She yawned again and you noticed that she was still half asleep, her beautiful green eyes were still drowsy.

She nuzzled your chin, kissing your neck gently and then pulling you down on top of her so you were face to face with her.

“No, I don’t wanna…”

She said, burrowing with you underneath the sheets. Her arms and legs intertwined with yours, and she sighed contentedly.

“Can we just lay in bed together..?”

"I would love too, babe but it's your birthday we need to get up"

Taylor chuckled as she nuzzled her face into your chest.

“My birthday doesn’t mean I have to wake up..” She said, looking up at you, her green eyes sparkling with mischief.

“..just five more minutes please?”

"Okay you can but I'm going downstairs" Taylor chuckled softly as she pulled you towards her, hugging your chest tightly.

"No, you can't leave me. I'm cold.."

She said in a fake pout, burying her head into your shirt.

"I just wanna stay with youu.." She said in a cute voice, pouting and sticking her tongue out at you.

You sighed, without any words you stood up holding Taylor in your arms to go down stairs.

Taylor smiled as you scooped her up and carried her downstairs, her head resting on your chest.

"Ooh I just woke up and you're already carrying me downstairs. I'm definitely gonna marry you now for sure.."

She sighed contentedly, wrapping her arms around you and pressing her forehead against your chest. She could hear the sound of her birthday party getting set up downstairs.

"Is there a present for me downstairs?.." She asked with a playful grin, looking up at you.

"Yeah there's a lot..."

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