"Losing You"

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Two months after the doctor said you have cancer,you kept it a secret to protect Taylor.

Youu thought you can fight this battle alone but it didn't end up well.

You're cancer gotten worse and worse, you started to get more weak causing to faint sometimes.

You only have weeks to live...

Today you are telling Taylor about your cancer hoping she'll understand.

You walked in to your shared bedroom seeing her cuddling with the cats watching her fav series Law and Order.


Taylor had been watching Law & Order but stopped immediately when you entered. Now, you’ve been together for a while and she knows that tone of voice.

She knows that there’s something wrong. Taylor looks up at you, eyes narrowed as she spoke in her beautiful, angelic voice.*

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

"Can we talk about something"

Taylor’s forehead furrowed in slight discomfort, she was visibly worried now. She nodded, sitting up, and motioned for you to come and sit next to her on the bed.

You sat next to her

“Is everything okay?..”Her voice was soothing, reassuring, calm. Taylor placed her hand on your back, rubbing it softly, her fingers just grazing your skin. It felt heavenly to be around her. She was still waiting for you to respond, her blue eyes meeting yours.

You cupped her cheeks and smiled faintly.

She felt a chill run down her spine when she noticed that you were smiling faintly. She knew what this meant, she saw your weak figure and now your smile.

She felt uneasy, her anxiety rising, her chest tightening, her heart pounding loudly now. She looked away for a moment, collecting herself before looking back up at you again and asking.

“Please, honey, tell me…what’s wrong..?”

"I have cancer"

Taylor froze, everything inside her soul seemed to have stopped.

Her heartbeat grew quieter until it was almost silent.

Taylor felt her legs tremble underneath her. Her hands gripped the edge of the bed, as she slowly spoke

“What stage...?…”


Taylor’s breathing became shallow and sharp, she felt her heart sink. Her hands slowly started shaking. She took a short breath before talking again with her gentle voice, trying to hide the fact that she was terrified inside

“...and how much time...do you have...?”

"The doctor said I have few weeks to live"

Taylor’s heart pounded in her chest. She swallowed, feeling that uneasy feeling in her chest and gut creeping up again. Her face turned pale in an instant. She didn’t know what to say to this, she had been expecting something like this would happen, and it did.

“...this can't be happening..there's got to be something we can do...I cannot lose you..."

"oh baby..."

Taylor didn’t want to cry, she did try to hold back the tears swelling in her eyes. She took a short breath before saying.

“I can't stand the thought of this, of losing you...I can't think of life without you...there has to be something to do, to save you...”

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