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Taylor have been distant with you and you don't know what the fuck happened.

You've been trying to talk to her, she answers but with a cold tone or short replies and it's been going for about also a month now.


You were sitting on your couch reading a book...

When she suddenly barged into the house and walked upstairs and into our bedroom.

She slammed the door closed causing a loud blast across the house.

You quickly ran after and walked inside the bedroom

"Tay, what happened?" I asked softly trying not to make her even more angry or upset.

The beautiful woman turned around, you could see her eyes filling with tears instantly.

Taylor turned away and looked down at the ground, she couldn’t speak.

“Nothing…” She said softly in a low and shaky voice, but she wasn’t really speaking with you, but to herself.

"nothing! Really Tay after you fucking slammed the door closed?" You asked annoyed by her response.

Taylor looked up at you with eyes filled with pain, then all of a sudden she completely lost it, yelling at you.

“Just leave me alone you shit, go get yourself another girlfriend because I don’t have time for you!” She shouted, then she left the room and slammed the door again behind her. You couldn’t believe it.

"God damn it, Alison!!!" You shouted banging into the door.

The door didn’t budge. Taylor started to cry on the other side, you could hear her sobbing, but she just didn’t want to reply to you.

The way she was acting was unacceptable but you couldn’t stay mad at her.

You still loved her after all, despite the fact that she was the one in the wrong right now.

"Fuck" You groaned as you knocked again

"Taylor, open please?"

There was silence for a few seconds, but you kept hearing some crying sounds coming from the other side of the door for a minute, then finally, Taylor opened the door and stepped out, not looking at you. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, but she still looked more beautiful than ever. You couldn’t help but wonder how could have she been so mean to you.


She flinched as you said the word “darling”. She didn’t like it when you were nice to her after she was horrible to you.

She was trying to pretend she couldn’t hear you but she knew that you were calling her name to get her attention. She ignored it tho and simply walked past you to the living room, sitting in the couch and putting her head into her hands again.

You stood there for a while, not knowing whether to go after her or to let her be alone for a while. Finally you decided to move closer and tried to hug her, but she turned around and put her arms up in front of her as a barrier.

"Taylor~~" you said a little bit hurt.

She kept her arms in front of her to keep you away. She didn’t want you to hug her because she was feeling too guilty at this point. The way she had acted in the last month was so out of character, you just didn’t know what to do anymore. Taylor stayed silent.

Taylor didn’t move her arms. She just didn’t feel like hugging you after what she’d done. She was still crying, feeling ashamed of herself for not being able to control her emotions. She felt so bad that she’d been so mean to you, the one person she’d never want to hurt.

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