"You're sick"

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It was a Friday afternoon, your lovely, kind, caring, beautiful girlfriend, Taylor Swift, was out with some of her friends, having a fun girls’ day out.

You were left back at home, which wasn’t a problem. You were having a good time as well, having taken off from work, and you were watching TV on your big comfy couch.. Until.. You started to feel sick.

You immediately started having a sore throat, your nose was sniffling and running, and your head started aching. You felt hot and cold at the same time, which was making you feel miserable.

You couldn’t concentrate on TV or have any fun, so you just lay on the couch, waiting for Taylor to come home..

Soon, it turned night, and still, Taylor wasn't home yet. This was starting to get worrisome.

Your whole body felt feverish and you were getting chills, feeling super nauseous. You didn't know how to make it through the rest of the night without her there.

After all, she was the only thing you wanted right now..

It was past midnight when someone rang the doorbell, and you barely had enough energy to get up and answer it, hoping that it was Taylor.

To your relief, it was your gorgeous girlfriend, smiling kindly at you as she came into the house.

Taylor immediately noticed that you looked sick and pale, and she started to become a bit worried.

She quickly came and sat next to you on the couch, putting her hand on your forehead, and you felt the heat of her touch.

"Oh my god, you're so hot.. Honey" She said as you shivered and shaked. She sat with you, looking into your eyes lovingly and smiling at you.

"Oh Taylor, thanks for the compliment" you joked with nose a little bit runny.

Taylor giggled at the silly response as she leaned toward your ear.

"Oh shut up, you know what I mean. Your temperature is soaring high, I'm getting worried."She said as she ran her fingers over your face and wiped the sweat from your forehead.

"I'm gonna get you something to drink and take care of you the way you need right now. You're not going to like it, but I might need to force medicine down your throat, it's the only thing that's going to heal you, darling."

"yes, ma'am"

"Such a good girl."

She said smiling as she stood up and walked to the kitchen, bringing you a glass of milk and some medicine, then sat back down next to you and took out a syringe loaded with the medication.

She grabbed your head and poured the medicine down your throat, holding your mouth for a while to make sure you didn’t spit it out. She then gave up and let your tongue slip forward while the syrup slowly slid down.

You gave her a disgusted look while forcing yourself to swallow the medicine.

Once Taylor saw your disgusted face, she burst out laughing and covered her mouth.

“Sorry, I forgot how much you hated the syrup taste! I thought you had grown out of that phase, but I guess not, huh?” She asked, brushing the hair out of your face and smiling. she sat by your side and took care of you.

She just continued holding my head still and waiting until you swallowed the medicine.

After that, she leaned against your head and took the medicine away. She then started to feed you the milk with a spoon like a mother feeding her baby. She then smiled again.

Taylor’s smile was adorable. She looked so soft and sweet as she took care of you.

She wiped the sweat from your forehead, gently brushing the hair out of your eyes.

She gently leaned her head against yours, and you got lost in her eyes for a moment, feeling completely calm and at peace.

Her warmth was soothing as she carefully fed you some more milk with the spoon.

"I'm tired"you whined pushing the spoon away.

Taylor looked a little concerned as she noticed your tired tone and the look of exhaustion on your face. The medicine was starting to kick in, and you couldn't help but feel extremely sleepy.

Taylor held your face and brushed your forehead with her hand.

"It's okay, honey.. You're going to be fine. Just close your eyes and try to sleep, I'll take care of you, okay?".

You fell asleep with my head on her shoulder, she swiftly carried you into the bedroom.

Taylor looked at your cute face as she picked you up and gently carried you to the bedroom, laying you on the bed and pulling the covers over you.

She brushed your hair one last time and kissed your forehead gently. She sat quietly at your side, stroking your forehead and keeping an eye on you all night.

She wouldn't move, even if someone offered her hundreds of millions of dollars, she wouldn't leave you, not even for a second.

"Hmm, lay me with me Tay please"

Taylor looked at you and smiled sweetly, then got in bed with you and lay next to you, holding you in her arms.

She pressed her soft body against yours, wrapping her arms around you, caressing your cheek and running her fingers through your hair.

Her closeness was comforting, making you feel at ease and secure. Your body felt warm and loved.

"Hmm" You moaned feeling her warmth.

Taylor could feel your body trembling slightly as she embraced you. She realized that you liked her warmth, so she squeezed tighter and rubbed your upper back, hoping to give you some comfort.

Her soft skin pressed against yours, making you feel extremely comfortable and soothed. She could feel your breath on her neck and she wanted you to feel safe and calm.

Her lips began to trace kisses all over your neck, sending shivers down your spine.

"I want to fuck you, but you're sick" Taylor whispered to you as she pulled back a little bit, and smiled softly at you. her gentle touch made you feel so loved that you didn't care about anything else.


Taylor lay by your side, holding you in her arms, keeping you from any kind of pain and discomfort.

"Please be okay tomorrow, promise I will give an award" She whispered sweetly to you, her words filled with love and concern. Her soft, soothing presence soothed you, making you relax and enjoy the moment.

Your fever started to slow down and the worst of the symptoms faded. Taylor kept you close, making sure that you never felt alone in your struggle..

Hi Krisha here, fluff for y'all I hope you guys like this one.

Im craving for Rep tv release 😕.

I'll be updating soon.....

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