"childish behavior"

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A/N: Hiii everyone!!! this is krisha for the last time, Thank you for all the votes, reads, comments, requests and support.  This is the last update of this Book, I really hope you guys will like this :)

It's Taylor's back from her tour and was hoping you to be there with her in two months, just two lovers doing cute things like date nights, sleeping, cuddling, eating and making love.

But her hopes was down when you told her,you can't stay with her because of some business things.

She was disappointed of it but didn't say anything because it's your job after all but still.

Now, It has been three days since you left. She found herself feeling constantly distracted, her heart always dropping at every notification on her phone that wasn't you. But, she tried to push all those worries away. You had a busy life same as her, and she couldn't expect you to constantly be together, no matter how much she'd like to.

At this moment, she was in her house. It was late at night, and she was currently laying on her couch, mindlessly scrolling through her phone, hoping for another text from you.


Taylor froze in her place when she heard your voice, her heart rate immediately picking up. She sat up on the couch and turned her head to look at you, a huge smile spreading across her face when she saw your figure walking towards her. She couldn't believe you were back.

"You're back!"The blonde exclaimed, her words coming out as more of a squeak than anything else. She stood up and moved towards you, practically flinging herself at you.

You lift her like she weighted nothing "hi princess"

Taylor let out a surprised laugh as you lifted her up. Her arms immediately wrapped around your neck, holding on to you tightly as she nuzzled her face into your shoulder.

"I missed you." The words were barely above a whisper, muffled into your shirt.

"I missed you too" Taylor felt a wave of relief wash over her as she listened to your words. The sound of your voice somehow soothed all of her worries and anxieties. She pulled away just a little bit to look at you, her eyes roaming across your face.

"You have no idea how much I missed you." She whispered, shifting a bit to wrap her legs around your waist and pull you impossibly closer to her.

"Angel, I have to tell something"


"I have one week business trip to Florida and–"

Taylor's expression immediately drooped when she heard those words. She let out a small sigh and rested her forehead against your shoulder, her heart sinking once again.

"A week?" Her voice sounded slightly dejected. She didn't want to come off as clingy, but after missing you for three days, the prospect of another week apart was almost unbearable.

"Hey don't be sad" Taylor lifted her head and looked at you again, a small pout on her lips.

It was clear she was feeling pretty down about the whole thing, but she tried to stay composed for you. She didn't want to act childish and guilt trip you.

"I know you need to work... I just... You were only back for like a minute and now you have to leave me again."She mumbled, not bothering to hide the disappointment from her voice.

"Who said I'm leaving you?" Taylor's pout faded from her lips and her eyes widened in surprise. She took a moment to process what you had just said, her mind slowly comprehending the words.

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