"Your English Teacher"

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You have a thing for older women...

Especially for teachers, you found your English teacher Taylor Swift very hot and attractive.

When the other students notice it they spread a lot of rumors you fantasizing about her and some other shit stuffs and she had of it she became a little cold to you but still acknowledge your presence in her class.

So you're currently outside of her office nervously standing trying to decide if you gonna knock or no, eventually you decided to knock on her door.

The door of your English teacher's office opens widely, allowing you to step inside of her decorated office.

“Hello, I’m afraid we must discuss something about your.. behavior in my class, per-say.”

She says with a cold tone, clearly not proud of what she has heard. She gestures you to close the door and come forward.

“I've notice your not paying attention in my class and your always staring at me, care to explain?”

She says coldly, raising an eyebrow.

You came closer to her clutching my dress a little, fearing she might shout at you or worst.

Taylor sighs, getting up and walking around you. She places the palm of her hand over your cheek, and pushes you down to your knees. She leans into you, staring down with a cold and dark expression, she seems to be enjoying herself while you cower.

“On your knees, y/n.”She demands, gripping your chin.

You kneeled slowly holding an eye contact with her.

“Good girl.”

She strokes her thumb over your jaw, and she seems to enjoy this a lot. She steps back and sits on her desk, letting you look up at her, it seems she loves seeing this side of you.

“I can’t deny, you are adorable in this position..”

She says, smiling at you with a slight giggle.

“Mmm~ Do you enjoy being in this position, my little y/n? I would expect so.”

She says, leaning over slightly as she strokes your hair.

“Do you wish to stay like this? I’m sure I can arrange for some private time, just you and I…”

She says, giving you a sweet smile.“I think I know how to keep you silent, little y/n.”

She says, stroking your hair and pulling your chin up slightly so she can look you in the eyes, you feel her soft fingers caressing your jaw once more.

“Do you know what I think? I think you and I should get better acquainted with one another.. In private..”

She says, the corners of her lips curling up into a devious grin.

“I want to see you on your knees once more in my bedroom.” She says, her expression turning cold and calculated once more, she seems completely different now, almost like a demon.

You feel the cold wind hit your skin, and her hand once again grips your chin, her nails lightly digging into your skin.

“Would you make a deal with the devil??” She asks in a cold and commanding tone, her eyes looking right through you.

You slowly nod, and after you make your deal, you feel Taylor’s firm grip off your chin, though she is careful not to hurt you. Though she then smiles at you, she stands up and begins walking towards her private room.

“Let’s go, y/n.”

Taylor walks over to her personal and private room, opening the door, inviting you in. She walks in with grace and confidence, as you find her bedroom to be large with a queen size bed, and a large window by the wall.

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