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A/N: why can't everybody see the photo I put up from my other update, Taylor is so hot on that photo :(

You walked inside carrying two big bags of grocery go enough for the two for the next couple of days.

"Tay, I'm home!" You shouted walking into the kitchen putting the bags in the counter.

Many seconds later you noticed that Taylor didn't ran and hugged you till the two of you are in the floor laughing, and it made you a little sad because she does it all the time when you come home.

"Tay" you said walking into your shared bedroom, seeing her cuddling with three unknown kittens.

"Alison?" You said with my arms crossed.

Taylor sees you and turns bright red.

"H-Hey honey....uh...I got some new kittens while you were gone and...uh...I knew you might get mad if I asked you so I just......took them in..."She looks down as she feels terrible.

"I know I should have asked you first....im sorry..."

"Tay really?" You looked at her "I wouldn't be mad if you brought one kitten but three!?, na uh" she looks down

"I just thought they looked so lonely....they were in that cage together...I didn't wanna split them apart...."She turns to you, eyes almost tearing up as she tries to convince you.

"Please....please let us keep them....we can take care of them I promise.....we have enough space for them....I know we can take care of them....please....I beg you...."

"Baby, I know you can take care of them, but you're gonna be busy next month, you have your tour"

"But I'll have days off right!? We can take care of them together then! I really really really wanna keep them, Y/niee....please....."

You hear a purr as one of the kittens approaches your leg, you feel the kitten brush up against your leg

"See! They really like you too! Please please please let us keep them.....please....please...."Taylor starts to beg again

"God, Taylor and Kittens is not a good combo" you thought to myself

Taylor notices you deep in thought and uses it to her advantage as she goes to pull out the puppy dog eyes...the eyes she knows you can't say no to

"Pweeseeeee...." Taylor said as she brings the kittens over

"Just look at them....do you really wanna send them back to the pound....please we can take care of them together...."

She uses her baby voice to butter you up, and pulls her famous pouty face, Taylor brought up the three kittens, who was meowing looking at you with their eyes, she starts doing fake crying noises.

"Please....please please please....they'll be so happy with us....we can take good care of them....don't they deserve to be happy....please baby...."

The kittens all look so loving and adorable, as they meow and nuzzle against you. The sight tugs at your heart. Taylor uses this opportunity to really push you to your limits, she begins to sniffle and cry as her eyes form tears, you know you can't resist this and you feel yourself about to give in

"did you consult the other cats about this Meredith?, Dibbles?, Benj?"

"It's a big house....you can barely even hear them half of the time....we'll make this work baby I promise....pleeeeaaasssse..."

The cuteness of the adorable kittens has almost made you weak enough to give in, but knowing that Taylor is playing with your feelings has made you slightly annoyed with her behavior. You're close to giving in though. Taylor does not wanna give up till she wins

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