"Is it over now?"

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Taylor and You broke 4 months ago there was another women involved which cause your relationship to crash down.

You were quick to heal with the help of your friends and your family.

2 months after the break up, you accidentally met an actress "Elizabeth Olsen" on a studio and it cause you two to be close and eventually getting into your first date.

Now, you are in a event your girlfriend was invited she brought you as her date, you two were hanging with some actors and actress.

When suddenly your eyes traveled to the left side of corner, you met Taylor's eyes.

Taylor’s eyes connected with yours and instantly she was overcome with regret and guilt, she couldn’t help but feel like this was karma.

She felt stupid to even consider coming to the event knowing you’d likely be there, but she couldn’t keep herself away from you.

A small tear of regret rolled down her cheek and she turned her head away, trying to pretend she hadn’t seen you, trying to convince herself that she didn’t want to talk to you; but she couldn’t stop herself from looking back at you again.

"Babe...?" Elizabeth said catching your attention.

"Yes my love"You turn your head back to Elizabeth, who’s smile fades as she sees the distant look in your eyes.

She looks back at that direction and immediately knows who had your attention, she didn’t look angry, or mad, but the disappointment was clear in her pretty eyes.

"You want a drink" you asked wrapping my arms around her waist.

Elizabeth nods, she can tell that you still haven’t completely moved on from Taylor yet, and she knows that there’s something you aren’t telling her, although she isn’t sure what, she’s patient, and loving, but she wonders when you’re finally going to open up to her. She leans into your touch and whispers.

“What do you want to drink?”

"white wine oh wait no maybe champagne"

Elizabeth’s eyes sparkle and her face lights up with a smile, she had been getting to know you more intimately now and she knows that it’s your favorite drink, you love the way it goes down your throat, she loves how you get when you’re tipsy, you open up, you’re more playful, you start to flirt with her more, it’s quite possibly her favorite thing about you.

“Champagne it is then!”

You and Elizabeth were having a great time, she’s definitely a catch, she’s sweet, she’s caring, she’s funny, she’s gorgeous.

And while you haven’t completely moved on from Taylor yet deep down, you love this new life that you’ve made with Elizabeth.

You were finally settling in and you can imagine a whole future with this girl by your side.

Elizabeth was laughing hysterically at something that one of the actors had said, she was already a little bit tipsy, she was giggling, and you couldn’t help but smile when you looked at her, she was so adorable, her cheeks were flushed, her lips were red, her green eyes shimmered and her brown hair was loose, it was an absolutely incredible thing to see, you couldn’t explain it, but everything about her was sexy to you.

Your hands went to her hips as you pulled her towards you for a kiss

"I'll go get you some water, okay?"

Elizabeth looks at you with a nod and a smile, her cheeks red, her eyes shining like sapphires, her skin was soft and her lips were shiny, she looked so good to you, her beauty was almost blinding and it was hard to resist her charm.

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