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Ch6 - I finally realized that I fell in love with him

“Xie Mu.”

Only when the man’s deep voice sounded with a hint of unhappiness did the youth discover his presence. 

He instantly struggled out of Tan Tao’s embrace, respectfully greeting Bo Qin, “Hello Bo zong.”

The youth pursed his lips slightly. The person in front of him was his benefactor, and he had overlooked him, too caught up in seeing his lover.

The amount of time that Bo Qin had lived together with Xie Mu was not short. Even if he did not try deliberately to recall his memories, he could still remember clearly all the meanings attached to Xie Mu’s expressions.

Now, his eyes contained polite unfamiliarity, without a trace of the intimacy and dependency he had seen at the hospital. 

“Bo Qin?” Tan Tao’s eyes were sharp, noticing the man’s gaze darkening as he looked towards the youth. His heart sank, immediately pulling Xie Mu back into him.

“Don’t; there’s still someone here…”

His lover was indignant and shy, wanting again to struggle out.

“You’re afraid of what? Bo Qin is my good brother; sooner or later, there would’ve been an introduction.”

While Tan Tao hung a smile on his lips, speaking indulgently with a face full of tenderness, his arms hugged the youth’s neck with a possessive desire. The corners of his lips hooked up slightly as he looked towards his childhood friend, who was looking back with a sharp look in his eyes.

“Bo Qin, allow me to introduce. My boyfriend, Xie Mu.”

At hearing his childhood playmate’s cheerful voice, the man’s brows abruptly wrinkled, his line of sight falling landing on the body of the youth, who had stopped his struggle at the word “boyfriend.” On that fair face that had always fought hard to maintain its calmness, there was a cast of bashfulness. What it did not have, however, was any affection towards Bo Qin.

“Bo zong, that, thank you for paying my medical bills at the hospital. Tan Tao already told me everything. Thank you for taking care of him while I was unconscious.” 

He spoke as if it was just a regular word of thanks towards a lover’s good friend; even when he was speaking, he was still docilely snuggled in Tan Tao’s embrace. Perhaps due to a little nervousness, his hand grasped slightly onto the person behind him’s clothes as if drawing strength from him.

Bo Qin looked towards the hand with which Xie Mu was dependently holding onto the clothing corner, reminded of the Xie Mu from before.

The Xie Mu he had known had really detested the touch of outsiders; other than him, he wouldn’t even touch a small infant.

The first time he had taken the youth to meet Tan Tao, Tao Tao had wanted to drape his arm over his shoulders, but Xie Mu had shrugged him off disgusted. That had also been the first time that Xie Mu had went against his intentions, directly shrugging him off and leaving. 

After that incident, Tan Tao had heavily mocked Bo Qin for being unable to control his lover. Full of anger, but unwilling to give up on that hedonic body, he pushed down Xie Mu for a whole night, continuing until the sky turned bright. He only let him off after he implored him piteously, choked with sobs.

He had said he was angry when in actuality, he was incredibly satisfied with Xie Mu’s actions.

After all, a lover who only let him touch him would never betray him.

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