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Ch12 - Your coming out of the closet meal set is here

Xie Mu’s eyelashes shook. Restless, he turned his body towards the man.

“Bo zong, thank you.” 

His facial expression was a little hesitant. The look in his eyes was slightly ashamed, perhaps a result of his previous vigilance or due to him actually asking for help from the mysterious ex-boyfriend.

However, without a doubt, the youth’s expression lacked its previous cautiousness.

Bo Qin maintained his gentle visage, while his eyes watched his little lover with the greed of a vulture.

He would always be this gullible, whether he was 22 or 19. 

With only a few falsehoods, that body would fall into his arms, just like before.

Of course, before that, he would need to hide these dirty desires, solely showing the side that Xie Mu liked.

For the whole morning, Bo Qin instructed Xie Mu, just like he did in the past.

He watched the youth furrow his brow, confused and bewildered, regarding the documents as if he bore a deep grudge against them. On the one hand, he seemed very different now than from before, but on the other hand, he also seemed very cute.

When he had just entered the company as a fresh college graduate, Xie Mu had been prudent, but undeniably very outstanding. At the time, with only the slightest bit of guidance from Bo Qin, he could thoroughly grasp the concept of any subject. Unlike now, when his mind was a blank slate, it was as if he were spoon-feeding a duck attempting to ingrain knowledge into him.

Although he liked this kind of diligent Xie Mu; however, he could not mistake for whom the youth continued to endure, painfully, yet forcefully.

The clearer he was, the more his heart churned like the ocean’s waves, disturbing the man to no ends.

He could not accept his possession being touched by someone else, so he had let go of the person before him. 

He only realized afterward, when that person readily entered the embrace of another, that he had had a gem.

Bo Qin wanted to lock the youth in his embrace, desiring to ravage him repeatedly; however, he could only strenuously suppress those wishes.

A toy and a beloved delicacy were not the same.

If, previously, Xie Mu was an abandonable and transferable toy, then now, he was a delectable dessert that only he could consume. 

Even if someone else had taken a bite of this dessert, all he thought of was how to off the person who had touched Xie Mu.

Not to once more throw it away, already unwilling to part from its beautiful taste.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xiao Mu, see here. This spot is incorrect; the correct one should be…”

Vfflcu atf sbeat’r kjnfglcu fsfr ibbxlcu ja atf vbmewfcar atgbkc ab tlw obg agjlclcu, Db Hlc rabbv eq. Ugbqqfv eq yftlcv tlw, tlr tjcv wjcfenfgfv jgbecv atf sbeat’r ojlg cfmx rb atja rifcvfg olcufgr mbeiv ijcv eqbc atf ktlaf qjqfg lcxfv klat yijmx. Llr nblmf kjr ufcaif jr tf lcragemafv tlw. 

The youth listened in concentration, but the more he heard, the more serious his disappointment.

As of now, he had only the memories of his 19-year-old self. In those memories, he had the best grades in the class, yet now, he was unable to comprehend these things, which were to him akin to rocket science.

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