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Ch41 - Amend

Xie Mu couldn’t help but think he dreamt for a long time, he felt comfortable in the dream but something about it scared him, but he couldn’t pinpoint what it was exactly. Opening his eyes, he couldn’t remember his dreams.

He was startled awake when the doors to his room were pushed open, when Xie Shi carried the medicine bowl over to his side while blowing gently to cool down the medicine, the man’s eyes still had a look of confusion in them. 

“You slept in today.”

The young man was smiling as bright as the son as he helped Xie Mu into a sitting position and placed the medicine in front of him, “Drink your medicine, after you’ve finished drinking, I’ll take uncle out for a stroll.”

Xie Mu was still confused as he blinked and subconsciously accepted the bowl of medicine, his eyes were drooping as he drank the medicine gulp after gulp. The young man sat beside him on the bed, he leaned back behind him as he bored his eyes into him.

Once the man had finished drinking the medicine, Xie Shi pushed off the blankets that were covering him and was stunned by the sight before him. 

Xie Shi blocked the sight so that Xie Mu could no longer see and cautiously asked, “What’s wrong?


Xie Shi turned his head, his handsome face had a mischievous smile, “I’ll help you change out of your pants first.”

Xie Mu slowly turned in the direction Xie Shi was looking at, the sight before was the same as the one last night, he was wearing the same close-fitted pajamas that could keep him warm but he couldn’t spot the difference.

“Uncle, there’s a… smell here.”

Seeing that he didn’t understand, Xie Shi explained it more clearly,

“It seems like the medicine Dr. Josel prescribed is quite helpful.”

Xie Mu didn’t listen at first, but once he realized what he meant, his pale face reddened up slightly. 

His hands were restless and he couldn’t help but want to check himself in that place, it’s been three years since it lost its interest, even though it could still feel and could function normally. However at his current age, three years of “slumber” was too abnormal. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea rlcmf atfgf’r j gfjmalbc cbk, Wlf Ze rtbeiv yf tjqqs, la kjr pera yfmjerf tlr peclbg obecv bea fjgilfg yfobgf tf vlv, la wjvf atf wjc’r ojmf gfv klat rtjwf.

Coafg jii, tf kjr ajeuta ogbw j nfgs sbecu juf atja atlr lrc’a j abqlm sbe mbeiv vlrmerr klat jcsbcf.

Especially because he couldn’t change his own clothes, Xie Mu’s face was still red as he sat on the edge of the bed watching Xie Shi helping him change his clothes. 

Once he saw how the dried-up liquid on his clothes was touched by Xie Shi’s long and slim fingers, his face could only turn redder.

“Uncle, sit down for a while.” Xie Shi pretended he didn’t see the humiliation on his face and naturally continued, “I’m going to sort out these clothes first.”

Xie Mu sat on the bedside, watching him leave the room.

[Host.] the system seemed to be a bit confused, [Why did you shut down my system?] 

[Age restricted content, it’s best if children don’t watch it]

This sort of shoddy response was immediately bought by the system, and opened the favorability detector: [Ding! Xie Shi favorability: 80]

[Host, what did you do in one night for it to rise this much?]

Xie Mu looked out the window towards that bare tree outside the window, his lips curved into a smile, [Most of the time, what I did isn’t important. What’s important is what was done to me.]  

The system was only more confused at his words, [Can you explain it more clearly? I don’t understand.]

[Be good, once you’ve grown up, I’ll tell you again.]

The door opened and Xie Shi came in.

He came by the bedside and naturally picked up Xie Mu and gently placed him into the wheelchair. He was pushing him as he spoke, “Dr Josel said that uncle is still in recovery, it should be soon that your legs will regain their senses soon.” 

Xie Mu eyes twinkled in joy, his face was full of hope and shakily turned his head to look at the youth, “Can I really recover?”

“Can I walk on my own in the future?”

Xie Shi was looking at the man whose eyes were shining as bright as the stars, he smiled brightly, “Of course.” 

“As long as you take your medicine on time, you can recover very soon.” 

Xie Mu nodded his head, the person in his eyes never seemed to be happy in the past, now seemed to sparkle in joy as if he had returned to the past, where he was protected and his body was relaxed. 

“That’s right.”

… As if the man had thought of something that was nostalgic, “Yesterday night, I think I dreamt of brother….”


Xie Mu only said this much and stopped abruptly. 

The young man tightened his grip on the handle and the wheelchair stopped in the hallway.

The snow outside has only gotten heavier, it fell onto the ground and was extremely beautiful. In the hallway, Xie Mu sat in his wheelchair, he had a hesitant expression and stopped talking. 

Xie Shi knew what he was hesitant about. 

Last night he dreamt of Xie Nan En, this morning he found the aftermath of that. It was just the thought of it never occurred to him until just now, but now he had thoroughly realized what had happened.

“What did Uncle dream of last night?

Xie Shi pushed down the unsatisfactory feeling he had in his heart and continued to push the wheelchair forwards. His tone was calm as if he never noticed anything abnormal. 

The man let out a relieved sigh.  

He didn’t really want to continue this topic, but it was unavoidable and made his heart feel guilty. 

“I don’t really remember, but I think he was teaching me how to draw…”

Xie Shi naturally remembered how his father would hold Xie Shi’s hands in his youth and slowly teach him how to draw with a calligraphy brush.

As he continued thinking, he thought about what happened last night, he was also like that. Gently, holding him there and unconsciously made the man stand up “there”, repeating the same motion as if he was praying. 

The deeper the man thought, he wished that he could throw the man into the position they were last night, in the snow, a tall large man walked over to them quickly.


Cheung Chuan quickly came over to where Xie Mu was, lowered his head slightly and spoke politely, “I’m sorry, I came late.”

Xie Mu was in a good mood because he received favorable news about his legs, he smiled as he shook his head, “You also had problems back home.” 

Cheung Chuan’s tight heart loosened up a bit and he lifted his head, wanting to speak a few words with Xie Mu but a pair of sharp gaze was locked steadily at his neck. 

At that spot, what was supposed to be a white neck had a small ambiguous red mark.

As if, it was a hickey that someone had sucked.


Edit: had to go back to make back a few changes ty for those who pointed it out to me QAQ

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