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Ch4 - This Daddy Used You as a Substitute

Tan Tao brought Xie Mu back to his own house.

The house was clean and tidy, appearing warm and homely without losing style, Tan Tao’s temporary residence for hiding away from his parents. It was now, however, distorted by Tan Tao’s silver tongue into a love nest for Xie Mu and him. 

Xie Mu hesitated somewhat before sitting down on the sofa. He looked around at the unfamiliar decor surrounding him, then looked towards Tan Tao, who was setting down the warm water he had brought over. “Are we really lovers?”

“But…” Xie Mu could not help his look of trepidation towards Tan Tao, even as he tried his best to cover it up, “I had the impression that you really disliked me…”

The hand Tan Tao used to the teacup tightened. A flash of darkness flinted across his elegant and refined visage; however, when he lifted his head again, he had once more regained his ambiance of warmth.

He smirked, full of self-assuredness, “At school, I liked you, only at the time, I was afraid to admit. That was why I acted the way I did that towards you. Later, when you began working at Bo Qin’s company, we met again.” 

“Xie Mu, you may have forgotten the progression of our feelings, but your body will not have.”

Although his eyes appeared calm as he spoke, Tan Tao had actually been trying very hard to recall the days of his youth. An urge to bully arose suddenly. He stared at Xie Mu, eyes fixated upon him, his gentle words wrapping around Xie Mu like a vine, “On the inside of your thigh, there is a small red mole. That’s my favorite place to kiss whenever we do that.”

Under his gaze, Xie Mu’s face flushed slightly red; he could not remember if his inner thigh had such a mole. He never wore short sleeves or short pantlegs in public as others had often teased him for being like girly due to his introversion from a young age. Only those close to him had ever seen his body under his long-legged pants.

Tan Tao had almost persuaded him with his words, but his mind soon woke up. His eyes grew more confused, “But if we’re lovers, why did the doctor tell me that Bo zong paid for my medical bills?”

When Tan Tao had brought him over, his luxury car did not seem like that of a person with no money.

To this, Tan Tao also gave a reasonable answer.

“Your personality is introverted. You were unwilling to let others know of our relationship, so we kept our relationship hidden. Later, when you had your accident, Bo Qin helped us out as my brother. Xie Mu, even though I was mean to you during our school days; however, later, I understood my wrongs. You also forgave me. If you still do not believe me, you can ask the hospital’s doctors and nurses, during this time, I really did go almost every day to see you…”

He spoke resolutely and clearly. Hesitation shone through even more intensely on the youth’s face. Clearly, in his memories, Tao Tao was still that person who had bullied and humiliated him, but if all this turned out to be fake, why would he lie? 

“Then, then Bo zong…”

Even though he had already spoken to this point, Xie Mu still could not help but anxiously long for Bo Qin. While gloom flashed in Tan Tao’s eyes, he let out an even gentler smile.

“Darling, since you’ve already resigned, you no longer need to think about Bo Qin. I was terrified after this accident; I never want to lose you again. Let’s announce our relationship, please?”


“Alright.” The man casually brought Xie Mu into his arms, his voice soft, “I know, you’re scared of the announcement bringing down my career, but that’s fine. I don’t care about that; I only want to be together with you. What is a little sacrifice?”

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